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page last edited on 13 February 2017

Updating modules from 5.2 to 5.3 branch

Version: 5.4 and early

This is a guide that will help you to adapt your module to X-Cart 5.3 version. Please be sure to apply those changes only on dev copy of your store.

Typical update procedure

Below is the typical update steps a developer needs to perform to update the module for X-Cart 5.3 software. You might need to apply some additional fixes and changes, depending on your module complexity.

  1. (Developer build only) Install composer and call composer install in <X-Cart>/src/ in your console, in order to install all required components.

  2. Rename each template file extension from .tpl to .twig.

  3. Find all .tpl file path occurrencies in php classes inside classes/XLite/Module/<DEVNAME>/<MODULENAME> and replace them with .twig ones.

  4. Move template files according to the following scheme:

    • skins/default/en/ -> skins/customer/
    • skins/admin/en/ -> skins/admin/
    • skins/admin/ru/ -> skins/admin_ru/
    • skins/mail/en/ -> skins/mail/common/
    • skins/admin/en/mail -> skins/mail/admin/
    • skins/default/en/mail/ -> skins/mail/customer/
    • the same for ColorSchemes and CustomSkin: default should be renamed to customer
  5. Use Flexy-to-Twig migration tool to convert each template to Twig-compatible code. Read more about template changes.

  6. Change Main.php getMajorVersion(), getMinorVersion() and getMinorRequiredCoreVersion() methods accordingly. Add getBuildVersion() method. Read more here about X-Cart 5.3 versioning.

  7. Find each @LC_Dependencies occurrencies and replace them with @Decorator\Depend. Note that right syntax is @Decorator\Depend({‘X’, ‘b’}), not @Decorator\Depend(‘a’, ‘b’).

  8. Update model files. Ensure that each getter/setter is defined in the code (they are not generated automatically anymore). Apply other needed changes.

  9. Update repository files. Check on the list of all required changes.

  10. Update viewer files. Replace each type occurrence according to the following table:

    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Int => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeInt
    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\String => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeString
    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Checkbox => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeCheckbox
    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Object => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeObject
    • XLite\View\FormField\Input\Text\Float => XLite\View\FormField\Input\Text\FloatInput
    • XLite\View\FormField\Input\Base\String => XLite\View\FormField\Input\Base\StringInput
    • XLite\View\FormField\Inline\Input\Text\Float => XLite\View\FormField\Inline\Input\Text\FloatInput

    Read more about viewer widget changes and apply fixes if needed.

Template changes

Use the our Flexy-to-Twig migration tool to convert your templates in your module.

If you modified templates only by using Webmaster mode or CustomSkin module, follow the steps described below.

  • Upgrade your store to X-Cart 5.3;
  • Go to Look & Feel > Webmaster mode section in your admin area. If there are any templates, then you will be able to convert them;
  • Click on the Flexy-to-twig converter button;
  • You will get a list of the files to convert. The first column will show which files will be converted. The second column will show the new location of the converted twig template. The last column will show the status of the file: whether it is converted or not.
  • Press Convert button to convert the files. As soon as the files convert you will see the green sign in the right column.

Other changes (apart from the obvious syntactical changes, refer to Twig documentation) that the template designer should know:

  • Template file extension is changed from .tpl to .twig. This also affects View classes that define template file names.
  • The View object that is rendering the template is available via a special this variable. It means that Flexy's {getProductUrl()} corresponds to Twig's {{ this.getProductUrl() }}. In Twig there is a difference between the local variables ({{ product }}) and the properties/methods of the bound View object ({{ this.product }}).
  • Flexy's <widget class="XLite\View\Widget" param1="value1" param2="value2" /> construct maps to {{ widget('XLite\\View\\Widget', param1='value1', param2='value2') }} Twig function call. Note the doubled backslashes in class names, these are required in Twig.
  • <widget template="other.tpl" /> converts to a simple template inclusion: {% include 'other.tpl' %}. All local variables (for example, those that were introduces by a {% for %} loop) will be available in the included template as a local {{ variable }}. Note that this is different from accessing the View object property: {{ this.variable }}.
  • Flexy's <list name="product.details" param1="value1" param2="value2" /> converts to {{ widget_list('product.details', param1='value1', param2='value2') }} Twig function call.
  • <widget class="XLite\View\Form\Import" name="importform" /> … <widget name="importform" end /> in Twig is expressed as {% form 'XLite\\View\\Form\\Import' %} … {% endform %}. The advantage is that Twig checks at template compile time that opening and closing tags are correctly balanced.
  • Twig function {{ t('Product name') }} translates strings just as Flexy's {t(#Product name#)}.
  • Twig function {{ url(...) }} provides a shortcut to AView::buildURL.

If some of the widget parameters contain dashes (or other non-alphanumeric and non-underscore characters), Twig will not compile widget function call with such arguments and will throw an error: {{ widget('XLite\\View\\Widget', weird-param-name='value1') }}. In order to work around this syntax limitation, you can use an alternate widget call syntax: {{ widget('XLite\\View\\Widget', {'weird-param-name': 'value1'}) }}. However we strongly advise you to use only camel-cased parameter names as this is the recommended naming convention: {{ widget('XLite\\View\\Widget', weirdParamName='value1') }} The above also applies to widget_list function parameters.

New templates structure

X-Cart 5.3 changed the structure of the templates and you need to make sure that if your module used default templates, that these templates are still in place.

Template files should be moved according to the following scheme:

  • skins/default/en/ -> skins/customer/
  • skins/admin/en/ -> skins/admin/
  • skins/admin/ru/ -> skins/admin_ru/
  • skins/mail/en/ -> skins/mail/common/
  • skins/admin/en/mail -> skins/mail/admin/
  • skins/default/en/mail/ -> skins/mail/customer/
  • the same for ColorSchemes and CustomSkin: default should be renamed to customer

CustomSkin module has become discontinued as a method to apply changes over any skin, so you need to move files from skins/custom_skin/ folder to skins/theme_tweaker/. Please note that it will only work for customer and mail interface files.

Model changes

  • If you did not specify getters/setters in your Models, you must define them (they are not added automatically by decorator anymore). You can use .dev/scripts/doctrine-generate-entities.php script in order to do that quickly.

  • If your module adds a field with money type, then you need to manually add getter and setter for it. See \XLite\Model\Product class as an example.

  • If your class decorates another one and adds DB table indexes by @Table(@Index) directive, then you need to mark your class as @MappedSuperclass.

Repository changes

  • Starting from 5.3.x, XLite/Model/Repo/ARepo class contains all general methods to search entities, like search() and it doesn't use getHandlingSearchParams() method anymore. Therefore you should remove search(), searchCount(), searchResult(), callSearchConditionHandler(), isSearchParamHasHandler(), getHandlingSearchParams(), prepareCndLimit(), prepareCndOrderBy() methods. Define them only to modify the default behaviour.

  • Replace SEARCH_ORDERBY and SEARCH_LIMIT constants with P_ORDER_BY and P_LIMIT respectively.

  • Replace all P_ORDER_BY usages to the one of the following:

    $cnd->{static::P_ORDER_BY} = array(static::SORT_BY_MODE_LAST_VISIT_DATE, 'DESC');
    $cnd->{static::P_ORDER_BY} = array(
    array(Repo::SORT_BY_MODE_ENABLED, 'DESC'),
    array(Repo::SORT_BY_MODE_DELAY, 'ASC'),
  • If you need the default sort order, add this field to the repo:

    protected $defaultOrderBy = array('date' => false); // true means ASC, false means DESC
  • Replace each SEARCH_ORDERBY_* constant with direct field name, prepended by table alias and a dot.

Widget changes

Itemslist widgets were vastly improved to ease their usage. Now you can:

  • define getSortByModeDefault() method, which should return table field to sort by (e.g., 'p.product_id');

  • define getSortOrderModeDefault() method to set specific sort order. Return either static::SORT_ORDER_DESC or static::SORT_ORDER_ASC;

  • define $sortByModes field to provide sorting modes in format of array, where keys are table field names (e.g. 'p.amount') and values are human-readable string name ('Amount');

  • define defineRepositoryName() method, which should return repository FQCN (Fully-classified class name);

  • remove some methods because their implementation was moved to abstract AItemsList class:

    • getOrderBy()
    • getSearchCondition()
    • getSearchParams()

Code changes

  • Decorators of abstract classes must be explicitly defined as abstract.

  • Replace @LC_Dependencies directive with @Decorator\Depend. Note that right syntax is @Decorator\Depend({‘a’, ‘b’}), not @Decorator\Depend(‘a’, ‘b’).

  • Change widget types in module settings:

    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Int => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeInt
    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\String => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeString
    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Checkbox => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeCheckbox
    • XLite\Model\WidgetParam\Object => XLite\Model\WidgetParam\TypeObject
    • XLite\View\FormField\Input\Text\Float => XLite\View\FormField\Input\Text\FloatInput
    • XLite\View\FormField\Input\Base\String => XLite\View\FormField\Input\Base\StringInput
    • XLite\View\FormField\Inline\Input\Text\Float => XLite\View\FormField\Inline\Input\Text\FloatInput