Retrieve a coupon
Retrieve a coupon.
Query Parameters
id required | stringResource identifier |
200Coupon resource
Response schema:
Coupon resource abandoned_cart | integer or null |
abandoned_cart_coupon | boolean |
id | integer |
code | string<= 16 characters |
enabled | boolean |
value | number |
type | string |
comment | string |
date_range_begin | string or null |
date_range_end | string or null |
total_range_begin | number or null |
total_range_end | number or null |
uses_limit | integer or null |
uses_limit_per_user | integer or null |
single_use | boolean |
specific_products | boolean |
product_classes | Array of integers |
memberships | Array of integers |
zones | Array of integers |
products | Array of integers |
categories | Array of integers |
404Resource not found