Addon hooks are programming code used to perform certain operations with data in the process of executing the events like addon installation, removal, activation, deactivation and rebuild.
Addon Hooks Overview
Starting with v5.4.0.x, X-Cart allows creating corresponding event files for addons in the /hooks folder:
- install.php - called up when installing an addon or when first enabling it (in case it was disabled when installed)
- remove.php - called up when removing an addon. When implementing, please consider the situations when an addon might have never been enabled. E.g. it was disabled after the installation and the user never used it or turned it on. So you should only use the core API.
- enable.php - called up each time the addon is enabled.
- disable.php - called up each time an addon is disabled or before an enabled addon is removed.
- rebuild.php - called up to rebuild cache if the addon is enabled.
The execution of hooks is logged in the file service-rebuild.log.yyyy-mm-dd.php
2020-05-08 07:09:20 [scenario5eb50574d31304.10860810] INFO Run hook: classes/XLite/Module/<DeveloperID>/<AddonName>/hooks/rebuild.php
Addon Hook Format
Hook code uses the following format:
return new \XLite\Rebuild\Hook(
function () {
//your code here