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Update profile by id

Update profile by id

Query Parameters
integerId value of the Profile object
Request Body Schema:
Profile object that needs to be added
gaClientIdstringGoogle analytics cid
socialLoginProviderstringAuth provider (facebook, google, etc.)
socialLoginIdstringAuth provider-unique user id (for ex. facebook user id)
pictureUrlstringProfile picture url
mail_chimp_listsArrayMailChimp lists
mail_chimp_interestsArrayMailChimp lists
mail_chimp_segmentsArrayMailChimp segments
auth_phone_numberstringAuthentication phone number
auth_phone_codestringAuthentication phone country code
authy_idintegerID in Authy
profile_idintegerProfile unique ID
loginstringLogin (e-mail)
password_hintstringPassword hint
password_hint_answerstringPassword hint answer
passwordResetKeystringPassword reset key (for 'Forgot password')
passwordResetKeyDateintegerTimestamp of reset key creation date
access_levelintegerAccess level
cms_profile_idintegerCMS profile Id
cms_namestringCMS name
addedintegerTimestamp of profile creation date
first_loginintegerTimestamp of first login event
last_loginintegerTimestamp of last login event
statusstringProfile status
statusCommentstringStatus comment (reason)
eventArrayRelation to an event
languagestringLanguage code
last_shipping_idintegerLast selected shipping id
last_payment_idintegerLast selected payment id
membershipobject (Membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table)Membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table
pending_membershipobject (Pending membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table)Pending membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table
addressesArrayAddress book: one-to-many relation with address book entity
anonymousbooleanFlag of anonymous profile (used for checkout process only)
forceChangePasswordbooleanFlag if the user needs to change the password. The customers only
dateOfLoginAttemptintegerDate of last login attempt
countOfLoginAttemptsintegerCount of login attempt
searchFakeFieldstringFake field for search
xcPendingExportbooleanFlag to exporting entities


Response schema:
gaClientIdstringGoogle analytics cid
socialLoginProviderstringAuth provider (facebook, google, etc.)
socialLoginIdstringAuth provider-unique user id (for ex. facebook user id)
pictureUrlstringProfile picture url
mail_chimp_listsArrayMailChimp lists
mail_chimp_interestsArrayMailChimp lists
mail_chimp_segmentsArrayMailChimp segments
auth_phone_numberstringAuthentication phone number
auth_phone_codestringAuthentication phone country code
authy_idintegerID in Authy
profile_idintegerProfile unique ID
loginstringLogin (e-mail)
password_hintstringPassword hint
password_hint_answerstringPassword hint answer
passwordResetKeystringPassword reset key (for 'Forgot password')
passwordResetKeyDateintegerTimestamp of reset key creation date
access_levelintegerAccess level
cms_profile_idintegerCMS profile Id
cms_namestringCMS name
addedintegerTimestamp of profile creation date
first_loginintegerTimestamp of first login event
last_loginintegerTimestamp of last login event
statusstringProfile status
statusCommentstringStatus comment (reason)
eventArrayRelation to an event
languagestringLanguage code
last_shipping_idintegerLast selected shipping id
last_payment_idintegerLast selected payment id
membershipobject (Membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table)Membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table
pending_membershipobject (Pending membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table)Pending membership: many-to-one relation with memberships table
addressesArrayAddress book: one-to-many relation with address book entity
anonymousbooleanFlag of anonymous profile (used for checkout process only)
forceChangePasswordbooleanFlag if the user needs to change the password. The customers only
dateOfLoginAttemptintegerDate of last login attempt
countOfLoginAttemptsintegerCount of login attempt
searchFakeFieldstringFake field for search
xcPendingExportbooleanFlag to exporting entities