Retrieve a list of profiles
Retrieve a list of profiles.
Authorizations:Token, JWT
Query Parameters
page | integerDefault: 1 The collection page number |
itemsPerPage | integer[0 .. true]Default: 30 The number of items per page |
pagination | booleanEnable or disable pagination |
first_login[before] | string |
first_login[strictly_before] | string |
first_login[after] | string |
first_login[strictly_after] | string |
added[before] | string |
added[strictly_before] | string |
added[after] | string |
added[strictly_after] | string |
login | string |
searchFakeField | string |
200Profile collection
Response schema:
Profile collection Array
social_login_provider | string<= 128 characters |
social_login_id | string<= 128 characters |
ga_client_id | string |
stored_selectors | Array of strings |
mail_chimp_lists | Array of integers |
mail_chimp_interests | Array of integers |
mail_chimp_segments | Array of integers |
stripe_customer_id | string<= 128 characters |
id | integer>= 0 |
login | string[1 .. 128] characters |
access_level | integer>= 0 |
create_date | string |
first_login_date | string |
last_login_date | string |
status | string1 characterDefault: "E" Enum: "E" "D" |
status_comment | string |
referer | string |
language | string<= 2 characters |
membership_id | integer>= 0 |
pending_membership_id | integer>= 0 |
force_change_password | boolean |
role_ids | Array of integers |
Response schema:
Unauthorized type | string |
title | string |
detail | string or null |
instance | string or null |
500Internal error
Response schema:
Internal error type | string |
title | string |
detail | string or null |
instance | string or null |