Skip to main content - 13 February 2025

Improvements (7)

  • 2025-02-12 #ECOM-7451
    DB optimization for the storefront home page. #CDev-Core
  • 2025-02-04 #ECOM-5917
    Added sorting and searching on the "Brands" page #CDev-Core #QSL-Make #QSL-ShopByBrand #XC-AutoImportBase
  • 2025-02-12 #ECOM-7379
    Removed GoogleFeed and XMLSitemap generation when a request for them is made - even if they are missing. Now feed generation is cron based only. #CDev-XMLSitemap #XC-GoogleFeed
  • 2025-02-12 #ECOM-7272
    Improved readability of event logs for Shipments history. Added requests and responses in events. #XC-ATD #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-Keystone #XC-Meyer #XC-SplitShipment #XC-Turn14 #XC-WheelPros
  • 2025-02-13 #ECOM-7308
    Implemented the v1/updates/inventory endpoint allowing not to request data not required in the current import. #CDev-Core #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-Turn14
  • 2025-02-13 #ECOM-7494
    Keystone can now import inventory data with column name defined as either VendorCode or VenCode. #XC-Keystone
  • 2025-02-13 #XCB-3995
    Updated the copyright comments in source code files. #CDev-Core #Amazon-PayWithAmazon #CDev-AmazonS3Images #CDev-AustraliaPost #CDev-AuthorizeNet #CDev-Bestsellers #CDev-Catalog #CDev-ContactUs #CDev-Coupons #CDev-DeTranslation #CDev-Egoods #CDev-FeaturedProducts #CDev-FedEx #CDev-FileAttachments #CDev-FrTranslation #CDev-GoSocial #CDev-GoogleAnalytics #CDev-MarketPrice #CDev-PINCodes #CDev-Paypal #CDev-ProductAdvisor #CDev-Quantum #CDev-RuTranslation #CDev-Sale #CDev-SalesTax #CDev-SimpleCMS #CDev-SocialLogin #CDev-TwoCheckout #CDev-USPS #CDev-UserPermissions #CDev-VAT #CDev-VolumeDiscounts #CDev-Wholesale #CDev-XMLSitemap #NovaHorizons-Redirects #QSL-AMP #QSL-AbandonedCartReminder #QSL-AdminProductsListThumbnails #QSL-AdvancedContactUs #QSL-AdvancedSecurity #QSL-AgeVerification #QSL-AuthorizenetAcceptjs #QSL-BackInStock #QSL-Backorder #QSL-Banner #QSL-BundleProducts #QSL-CCBill #QSL-CallForPrice #QSL-CloudSearch #QSL-ColorSwatches #QSL-CostPrice #QSL-CustomerSatisfaction #QSL-EBay #QSL-EGateway #QSL-FlyoutCategoriesMenu #QSL-Giropay #QSL-GlobalTransport #QSL-HorizontalCategoriesMenu #QSL-HurryUp #QSL-InfiniteScroll #QSL-Linen #QSL-LoyaltyProgram #QSL-Make #QSL-MarkMobileOrders #QSL-MembershipProducts #QSL-MultilevelMenu #QSL-Multistore #QSL-MyWishlist #QSL-OAuth2Client #QSL-OneClickUpsellAfterCheckout #QSL-OrderReports #QSL-PDFInvoice #QSL-Pagseguro #QSL-PaymentMemberships #QSL-Paysafecard #QSL-PopupAnywhere #QSL-PriceCountdown #QSL-ProductFeeds #QSL-ProductQuestions #QSL-ProductStickers #QSL-ProductsCarousel #QSL-RealexHostedPayment #QSL-RegisterOnCheckout #QSL-Returns #QSL-RichGoogleSearchResults #QSL-Roulette #QSL-SEOCheck #QSL-SecurePay #QSL-Segment #QSL-ShopByBrand #QSL-SpecialOffersBase #QSL-SpecialOffersBuyXGetY #QSL-SpecialOffersSpendXGetY #QSL-TaxExempt #QSL-TenPay #QSL-TreeLikeCategoriesMenu #QSL-UltimateSkin #QSL-VariantsTableView #QSL-VerifiedUsers #QSL-WordPress #QSL-Wufoo #QSL-XLSExportImport #Qualiteam-CoinPayments #Qualiteam-ShippingEasy #TemplateMonster-KitchenSuppliesStore #TemplateMonster-Organica #TemplateMonster-SparePartsStore #XC-ASAP #XC-ATD #XC-Add2CartPopup #XC-Affirm #XC-Akismet #XC-AmazonSPAPI #XC-Auto #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-AutoManufacturerSkin #XC-AutoMobileSkin #XC-AutoPerformanceSkin #XC-AutoSync #XC-AvaTax #XC-Beanstream #XC-BitPay #XC-BlueSnap #XC-BulkEditing #XC-BuyButton #XC-CanadaPost #XC-CanadianTaxes #XC-CatalogRack #XC-ChronoPay #XC-Concierge #XC-CoreCharge #XC-CrispWhiteSkin #XC-CustomOrderStatuses #XC-CustomProductTabs #XC-CustomerAttachments #XC-CustomerGallery #XC-DHL #XC-DIBSFlexWin #XC-DarkSparkleSkin #XC-DatatransUPP #XC-DealerLocator #XC-DelicatePinkSkin #XC-DewyGreenSkin #XC-DisqusComments #XC-DixPerformanceNorth #XC-EBSIndia #XC-EPDQ #XC-ESelectHPP #XC-EWAYStoredShared #XC-EsTranslation #XC-FacebookMarketing #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-ForestGreenSkin #XC-FreeShipping #XC-FroalaEditor #XC-FrontApp #XC-GDPR #XC-GbTranslation #XC-Geolocation #XC-GiftWrapping #XC-GoogleFeed #XC-GoogleTagManager #XC-Heartland #XC-IdealPayments #XC-InternetSecure #XC-Keystone #XC-MailChimp #XC-Mandrill #XC-MarbleGreySkin #XC-Meyer #XC-MigrationWizard #XC-MultiCurrency #XC-MultiVendor #XC-NetbanxHostedPayment #XC-News #XC-NewsletterSubscriptions #XC-NlTranslation #XC-NotFinishedOrders #XC-OgoneEcommerce #XC-Olark #XC-Onboarding #XC-OrderStatusColors #XC-OrdersImport #XC-PayFort #XC-PayTabs #XC-PayUIndia #XC-PoliPayment #XC-Premier #XC-ProductComparison #XC-ProductTags #XC-ProductVariants #XC-ProductVariations #XC-Reviews #XC-RoyalMail #XC-SagePay #XC-SecureTrading #XC-SemaData #XC-ShipStation #XC-ShopperApproved #XC-SimplifyCommerce #XC-Sitemap #XC-SofortBanking #XC-SoftBlueSkin #XC-SpaceVioletSkin #XC-SplitShipment #XC-Stripe #XC-SystemFields #XC-TaxJar #XC-ThemeTweaker #XC-TireAndWheelSkin #XC-TrustedVendors #XC-Turn14 #XC-TwoFactorAuthentication #XC-UPS #XC-UpdateInventory #XC-Upselling #XC-VINLookup #XC-VendorMessages #XC-VendorPartners #XC-VirtualMerchant #XC-WebmasterKit #XC-WheelPros #XC-WheelTireFitment #XC-WorldpayHPP #XC-XC4Login #XC-Zapier #XC-ZhTranslation

Fixes (27)

  • 2025-02-10 #XCB-4056
    PayPal Checkout: An error occurred during checkout if the phone number from the stored address did not match the country. Fixed. #CDev-Core
  • 2025-02-13 #XCB-4052
    Clicking the create banner button redirected the used to the storefront. Fixed. #CDev-Core
  • 2025-02-11 #XCB-4049
    Added fitment information to order details and invoices for customer UI. #CDev-Core #XC-AutoMobileSkin
  • 2025-02-13 #XCB-4047
  • 2025-01-31 #XCB-4012
    Failed admin login notification was sent to a customer email. Fixed. #CDev-Core
  • 2025-02-11 #XCB-4007
    The phone number address field is now required for orders that contain Wheel Pros products. #CDev-Core #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-WheelPros
  • 2025-02-11 #XCB-3875
    In OPC, the address book popup was not working correct;y. Fixed. #CDev-Core
  • 2025-02-04 #XCB-3528
    A free shipping coupon did not reduce the handling fee to zero at checkout. Fixed. #CDev-Core #XC-FreeShipping
  • 2025-02-07 #ECOM-7405
    If a category did not have an image, and a product image URL was used, some extra URL verification requests were made which could result in considerable performance issues. Fixed. #CDev-Core
  • 2025-02-10 #XCB-3982
    The E-goods notification with the link to download an attachment was not sent if the order total was zero (i.e. the order contained only free e-goods). Fixed. #CDev-Egoods
  • 2025-02-07 #XCB-4046
    An error occurred if importing 3-level fitments if the store had been configured to use 4-level fitments. Fixed. #QSL-Make
  • 2025-02-07 #XCB-4045
    A critical error occurred on the Customer Gallery page on the storefront if MMY was configured to use 3 levels. Fixed. #QSL-Make #XC-AutoMobileSkin #XC-CustomerGallery
  • 2025-02-04 #XCB-3975
    An incorrect CleanURL with the "-1" postfix was generated during the import of YMM fitments. Fixed. #QSL-Make
  • 2025-02-04 #XCB-3948
    HTML coding was broken on the storefront if Rich Google search results were used. Fixed. #QSL-RichGoogleSearchResults
  • 2025-01-31 #XCB-4008
    If I turn off brands and then turn them back on, the Shop By Brand block does not appear on the home page. Fixed #QSL-ShopByBrand
  • 2025-02-04 #XCB-3984
    The SQL request for brands took too long because of an extra join. Fixed. #QSL-ShopByBrand
  • 2025-02-11 #XCB-4048
    Products could not be cloned if the Amazon Integration add-on was enabled. Fixed. [ XC-AmazonSPAPI] #XC-AmazonSPAPI
  • 2025-02-13 #XCB-4000
    It was impossible to select a currency other than USD for Keystone if a currency other that USD was set as the default currency. Fixed. #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-Keystone
  • 2025-02-04 #XCB-3965
    After importing products from a WD, for example, Premier, the products were not shown in the respective category on the storefront. Fixed. #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-Premier
  • 2025-02-04 #XCB-3881
    UI improvement: Updated the position of the cancel catalog import icon. #XC-AutoImportBase
  • 2025-02-13 #XCB-4065
    Go Social: Open Graph custom meta did not work for homepage. Fixed. [og:title][og:description] [og:image][og custom meta] #XC-AutoMobileSkin
  • 2025-02-07 #XCB-3997
    Incorrect data was used to get tracking number information from Meyer. Fixed. #XC-Meyer
  • 2025-01-31 #XCB-3922
    ShipStation: Under certain conditions, an error could occur when importing orders with a missing shipping address. Fixed. #XC-ShipStation
  • 2025-02-11 #XCB-4053
    Info Block was missing from Admin area if the XC-TrustedVendors add-on was used. Fixed. #XC-TrustedVendors
  • 2025-02-12 #ECOM-7480
    An "Allowed memory size" PHP fatal error occurred during the import of some brands from Turn14 Distribution. Fixed. #XC-Turn14
  • 2025-02-03 #ECOM-7423
    In Turn14, a request for token update was generated on each data import attempt after an "Invalid Credentials" response had been received. Fixed. #XC-Turn14
  • 2025-02-10 #XCB-4004
    VIN lookup did not produce any result if the 4th level had been predefined in the decoder and a custom 4th level had been set in MMY. Fixed. #XC-VINLookup