Improvements (5)
2022-08-15 #ECOM-2093 (Maxim Shamaev)
Product Variants API. Added. #CDev-Sale #CDev-Wholesale #QSL-CostPrice #XC-ProductVariants
2022-08-15 #ECOM-1757 (Stavitskiy Andrey)
Changes in the tabs' display. Extra tabs are hidden under the "More" tab. #CDev-Core #CDev-FileAttachments #QSL-BackInStock #XC-GoogleFeed
2022-09-06 #ECOM-1668 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Added the ability to adjust the location of the email field at checkout. #CDev-Core #XC-FastLaneCheckout
2022-09-06 #ECOM-1552 (Dmitriy Filippov)
UI/UX improvement for admin pages with search feature. Using quick filters no longer involves a page refresh. #CDev-Core #QSL-BackInStock #XC-MultiVendor
2022-08-12 #ECOM-1053 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Added default logging for add-ons. #CDev-AmazonS3Images #CDev-Paypal #QSL-Giropay #XC-TaxJar #QSL-EBay
Fixes (60)
2022-09-05 #XCB-1710 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Product Variants. Field validation in product variants did not work. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-09-05 #XCB-1700 (Alexey Zakharov)
The defineWidgetParams method signature was unified. #CDev-Core #QSL-ShopByBrand #XC-ThemeTweaker
2022-09-05 #XCB-1699 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Multi vendor. Incorrect redirect upon opening the storefront as a vendor. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-09-06 #XCB-1695 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Banner. If the product details page had a banner, the banner was always shown at the bottom of the page, regardless of the settings. Fixed. #QSL-Banner
2022-09-02 #XCB-1689 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Core. After an attempt to set/reset a password using an invalid password value, the notification message for the user was displayed incorrectly. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-09-05 #XCB-1686 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
The Submit button was missing from a few tabs of a product page in the Admin area. Fixed. #CDev-Core #CDev-FileAttachments
2022-09-02 #XCB-1684 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Tax Jar. Product price was shown incorrectly in the shopping cart. Fixed. #QSL-SpecialOffersBase
2022-09-02 #XCB-1680 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Variants table view. The table of variants was duplicated on the product page. Fixed. #QSL-VariantsTableView
2022-09-02 #XCB-1679 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Product variants. After selecting a product variant on the storefront some page elements became displaced. Fixed. #CDev-Core #XC-CrispWhiteSkin
2022-09-02 #XCB-1668 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Featured products. An incorrect URL was opened if clicking on the Featured products block. Fixed. #CDev-FeaturedProducts
2022-09-05 #XCB-1664 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
X-Cart Auto. Clear filter in sidebar was not working. Fixed. #QSL-Make
2022-09-06 #XCB-1661 (Damir Khamidullin)
Mailchimp. Error 405 when creating an order in Mailchimp. Fixed. #XC-MailChimp
2022-08-29 #XCB-1660 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Fatal error during feed generation if the add-on "UPC/ISBN and Mnf#/Vendor# fields" is enabled. Fixed. #XC-FacebookMarketing
2022-09-02 #XCB-1659 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Shop by brand. Fixed some layout issues related to the spacing between the brand name input field and the brands pagination block. #QSL-ShopByBrand
2022-09-05 #XCB-1657 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Shop by brand. On the front page of the storefront only brands with products were shown regardless of the settings. Fixed. #QSL-ShopByBrand
2022-08-29 #XCB-1653 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Fatal error on the add-on settings page if selecting "Automatically calculate taxes for = Specific states". Fixed. #XC-TaxJar
2022-08-26 #XCB-1652 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Fatal error on the add-on settings page. Fixed. #XC-FroalaEditor
2022-08-29 #XCB-1651 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Moving any block to the footer was breaking the layout. Fixed. #XC-ThemeTweaker
2022-09-05 #XCB-1647 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
E-Goods. The "E-Goods Download Links" notification was not sent to customer. Fixed. #CDev-Egoods
2022-09-02 #XCB-1646 (Navolykin Vladimir)
FileAttachments. Fatal error if attempting to upload a file using the "From local server" option. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-09-02 #XCB-1645 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Sale. The setting "How to display links to sale offers in the category menu" was not working. Fixed. #CDev-Sale
2022-09-02 #XCB-1643 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Sale. Issues displaying Sale labels on certain products. Fixed. #CDev-Sale
2022-09-02 #XCB-1642 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Sale. When the maximum number of products to be displayed in the "Products on sale" block was set to "0", three products were displayed. Fixed. #CDev-Sale
2022-09-02 #XCB-1641 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Multiple profiles for vendors. Adjusted the page for creating a staff member account by vendor invitation according to the style guide. #CDev-Core #XC-VendorPartners
2022-08-26 #XCB-1636 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Fatal error when switching the payment status of an order to "Canceled". Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-08-29 #XCB-1634 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Multiple console errors when attempting to remove an attached file. Fixed. #XC-CustomerAttachments
2022-09-05 #XCB-1628 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Issues related to validation if entering numbers smaller than 1. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-09-02 #XCB-1612 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Amazon Pay. The Amazon Pay button was positioned incorrectly on the storefront. Fixed. #Amazon-PayWithAmazon #CDev-Paypal #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-CrispWhiteSkin
2022-09-05 #XCB-1609 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Special offers. An offer was not working if the cart contained products from more than one vendors. Fixed. #QSL-SpecialOffersBuyXGetY #QSL-SpecialOffersSpendXGetY #QSL-SpecialOffersBase
2022-09-02 #XCB-1605 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Banner & ThemeTweaker. The setting for categories was working incorrectly. Fixed. #XC-ThemeTweaker
2022-09-02 #XCB-1602 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Banner. Issues related to displaying banners in the sidebars. Fixed. #QSL-Banner
2022-08-26 #XCB-1600 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
The calendar widget was not displayed in date selection fields. Fixed. #CDev-Core #QSL-SpecialOffersBase
2022-09-05 #XCB-1599 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Backorder. Backorder labels were not saved on products. Fixed. #QSL-Backorder
2022-09-02 #XCB-1592 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Product stickers. After enabling the "Corner ribbon" sticker display mode, the default stickers were functioning incorrectly. Fixed. #QSL-ProductStickers
2022-08-29 #XCB-1587 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Replaced the word "module" with "addon" in text labels. #CDev-ProductAdvisor #XC-Upselling
2022-08-29 #XCB-1576 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Order search on the Payment Transactions page was not working. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-09-02 #XCB-1571 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Product advisor. The "Recently viewed" block was not displayed with the maximum number of products to display in the block set to "0". Fixed. #CDev-ProductAdvisor
2022-09-02 #XCB-1569 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Product advisor. The "Expected" label was not displayed on a product page. Fixed. #CDev-ProductAdvisor
2022-09-05 #XCB-1568 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Product advisor. A created product was not displayed on the home page in the "New arrivals" block. Fixed. #CDev-ProductAdvisor
2022-09-02 #XCB-1561 (Navolykin Vladimir)
UpdateInventory & MultiVendor. Root admin was not able to update product stock quantities for vendors. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-08-26 #XCB-1557 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Incorrect error text if generating products in a category that did not exist. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-08-25 #XCB-1556 (Navolykin Vladimir)
OrdersImport. Orders import failed. Fixed #XC-OrdersImport
2022-08-26 #XCB-1551 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Fatal error at checkout if the customer had selected a non-default currency. Fixed. #XC-MultiCurrency
2022-08-24 #XCB-1548 (Navolykin Vladimir)
CustomerAttachments. Clicking "Attach files" on the cart page resulted in fatal error. Fixed. #XC-CustomerAttachments
2022-09-02 #XCB-1547 (Navolykin Vladimir)
GoSocial. Open Graph meta tags were not saved on product and category pages if they were Custom. Fixed. #CDev-GoSocial
2022-09-05 #XCB-1545 (Navolykin Vladimir)
The highlighting of the active menu item was missing on the "Price Drop" page, /admin/?target=back_in_stock_product_prices. Fixed. #QSL-BackInStock
2022-08-29 #XCB-1543 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Fatal error when activating the "Trusted Vendors" add-on. Fixed. #XC-TrustedVendors
2022-08-17 #XCB-1541 (Dmitriy Filippov)
Search filters in the Admin area were working incorrectly. Fixed. #CDev-Core #QSL-BackInStock
2022-08-29 #XCB-1531 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
A help tip was positioned incorrectly on the "Catalog Pages" and "Content Pages" pages. Fixed. #CDev-Core #CDev-SimpleCMS
2022-08-29 #XCB-1530 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Renamed the "Listing info" tab to "Info" on the product management page. #CDev-Core
2022-08-29 #XCB-1529 (Dmitriy Filippov)
The space between the first name and the last name was not maintained when displaying a name at the checkout and in the address book. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-08-26 #XCB-1528 (Dmitriy Filippov)
In some cases the logo image was missing from the Admin area login page. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-08-26 #XCB-1521 (Damir Khamidullin)
Shipping cost was not re-calculated at checkout after switching the shipping method if the add-on VAT was enabled. Fixed. #CDev-VAT
2022-09-05 #XCB-1513 (Ildar Amankulov)
External app store. It was not possible to install an add-on in test wave from the market. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-09-06 #XCB-1505 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Incorrect elements' sizes and positioning in the Opayo Form Protocol payment method settings #CDev-Core #Amazon-PayWithAmazon #CDev-AuthorizeNet #CDev-TwoCheckout #CDev-Quantum #Qualiteam-CoinPayments #QSL-Dwolla #QSL-GlobalTransport #QSL-Pagseguro #QSL-Giropay #QSL-EGateway #QSL-SecurePay #QSL-TenPay #QSL-CCBill #QSL-AuthorizenetAcceptjs #QSL-RealexHostedPayment #QSL-Paysafecard #QSL-FirstDataPayeezyGatewayHP #XC-WorldpayHPP #XC-SofortBanking #XC-SagePay #XC-InternetSecure #XC-IdealPayments #XC-PayUIndia #XC-PayFort #XC-EBSIndia #XC-Beanstream #XC-ChronoPay #XC-ESelectHPP #XC-DatatransUPP #XC-BitPay #XC-BlueSnap #XC-EPDQ #XC-OgoneEcommerce #XC-SimplifyCommerce #XC-Heartland #XC-NetbanxHostedPayment #XC-DIBSFlexWin #XC-SecureTrading #XC-PayTabs #XC-Stripe #XC-VirtualMerchant
2022-08-26 #XCB-1499 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Duplicated widget loading at checkout if switching the shipping method or payment method. Fixed. #XC-FastLaneCheckout
2022-08-12 #XCB-1443 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Error if importing orders with the add-on Avatax enabled and configured. Fixed. #XC-AvaTax
2022-08-17 #XCB-1374 (Tatyana Serova)
After an order created using PayPal Express Checkout (legacy) method had been refunded by the buyer in PayPal, the order status was updated incorrectly. Fixed. #CDev-Paypal
2022-08-12 #XCB-1250 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Order total calculation error if taxes had been applied. Fixed. #CDev-VAT
2022-09-05 #XCB-1118 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Base models decorator was losing its data on add-on disable. Fixed. #CDev-Core