Skip to main content - 31 August 2023

Improvements (8)

  • 2023-08-18 #XCB-2678 (Ildar Amankulov)

    PayPal for Marketplaces: Added a default value for the setting bn_code. #CDev-Paypal

  • 2023-08-21 #XCB-2465 (Ildar Amankulov)

    The field "googleFeedEnabled" was missing from the products export file. Fixed. #XC-GoogleFeed #XC-FacebookMarketing

  • 2023-08-28 #ECOM-3999 (Alexander Tcshurenko)

    Implemented a new demo dump for the auto package. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-22 #ECOM-3920 (Alexander Tcshurenko)

    Added the field Category thumbnail for the Automobile skin. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-22 #ECOM-3919 (Michael Lipinski)

    Amazon Pay v2 payment method adapted for 5.5.1.x. #Amazon-PayWithAmazon #XC-CrispWhiteSkin #XC-GDPR #XC-MultiVendor #QSL-Multistore

  • 2023-08-15 #ECOM-3882 (Michael Lipinski)

    Regress testing for SEMA/ASAP/AutoSync. #XC-ASAP #XC-SemaData #XC-AutoImportBase #XC-AutoSync

  • 2023-08-14 #ECOM-3842 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Refactoring for hooks. #CDev-AmazonS3Images #CDev-Sale #CDev-USPS #CDev-SimpleCMS #CDev-FedEx #CDev-AustraliaPost #CDev-GoSocial #CDev-SocialLogin #CDev-FeaturedProducts #CDev-VAT #CDev-Coupons #CDev-PINCodes #CDev-ContactUs #CDev-Paypal #CDev-GoogleAnalytics #CDev-Egoods #CDev-VolumeDiscounts #CDev-Wholesale #CDev-Bestsellers #CDev-UserPermissions #CDev-ProductAdvisor #CDev-XMLSitemap #QSL-LoyaltyProgram #QSL-BackInStock #QSL-InfiniteScroll #QSL-PopupAnywhere #QSL-FlyoutCategoriesMenu #QSL-MyWishlist #QSL-ProductStickers #QSL-VerifiedUsers #QSL-Segment #QSL-ColorSwatches #QSL-OneClickUpsellAfterCheckout #QSL-AbandonedCartReminder #QSL-PriceCountdown #QSL-CallForPrice #QSL-SpecialOffersBase #QSL-TaxExempt #QSL-ShopByBrand #QSL-CustomerSatisfaction #QSL-PDFInvoice #QSL-ProductFeeds #QSL-Make #QSL-AuthorizenetAcceptjs #QSL-AdvancedContactUs #QSL-Returns #QSL-AgeVerification #QSL-Banner #XC-MultiCurrency #XC-UPS #XC-OrderStatusColors #XC-GoogleFeed #XC-SagePay #XC-VendorPartners #XC-ThemeTweaker #XC-XC4Login #XC-Olark #XC-Add2CartPopup #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-AvaTax #XC-TaxJar #XC-Akismet #XC-Concierge #XC-ProductVariants #XC-CustomerAttachments #XC-Zapier #XC-ShopperApproved #XC-SystemFields #XC-GoogleTagManager #XC-Mandrill #XC-MailChimp #XC-GiftWrapping #XC-CrispWhiteSkin #XC-FroalaEditor #XC-FacebookMarketing #XC-NotFinishedOrders #XC-GDPR #XC-TwoFactorAuthentication #XC-CustomProductTabs #XC-News #XC-Geolocation #XC-WebmasterKit #XC-VendorMessages #XC-CanadianTaxes #XC-BlueSnap #XC-FreeShipping #XC-DHL #XC-TrustedVendors #XC-Upselling #XC-UpdateInventory #XC-MigrationWizard #XC-DisqusComments #XC-MultiVendor #XC-ProductTags #XC-Onboarding #XC-CanadaPost #XC-Stripe #XC-Reviews #XC-SpaceVioletSkin #XC-VirtualMerchant #QSL-OAuth2Client #QSL-ProductQuestions #QSL-HorizontalCategoriesMenu #XC-ForestGreenSkin #QSL-AdvancedSecurity #QSL-reCAPTCHA #QSL-VariantsTableView #QSL-HurryUp #QSL-XLSExportImport #QSL-AdminProductsListThumbnails #QSL-ProductsCarousel #QSL-RichGoogleSearchResults #QSL-Roulette #XC-Affirm #QSL-WordPress #QSL-Linen #QSL-PaymentMemberships #QSL-BundleProducts #Qualiteam-ShippingEasy #QSL-Wufoo #XC-ASAP #TemplateMonster-KitchenSuppliesStore #TemplateMonster-SparePartsStore #XC-AutoImportBase #QSL-Multistore

  • 2023-08-29 #ECOM-2509 (Alexander Tcshurenko)

    Implemented Auto mobile-first design. #CDev-Core #QSL-ShopByBrand #XC-WheelTireFitment

Fixes (26)

  • 2023-08-31 #XCB-2712 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    GmvTrackerDomain, exception when a payment method was not required (order total = 0). Fixed. #CDev-Paypal

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2704 (Maksim Kuznetsov)

    Some hooks had not been refactored completely. Fixed. #Amazon-PayWithAmazon #XC-ASAP #XC-SemaData #XC-AutoSync

  • 2023-08-28 #XCB-2701 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    The Service tool log file was not shown on the admin/?target=logs page. Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-28 #XCB-2698 (Alexander Tcshurenko)

    Meta decorator was not reading the interface parameter during the updating of the list of viewlists. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2697 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Product attributes were not shown in email invoices and PDF invoices. Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2696 (Tatyana Serova)

    SEMA. Errors related to insufficient memory during a repeat import. Fixed. #XC-SemaData

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2694 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Products not requiring shipping (Requires shipping = No) were not taken into account when calculating the base for tax calculation (Subtotal). Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-28 #XCB-2693 (Ildar Amankulov)

    Removed the duplicates of street address fields that appeared on the Ship-From Address tab of the Shipping page in Admin area after the usage of three separate lines for street address had been implemented. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-28 #XCB-2691 (Ildar Amankulov)

    XML sitemap was lacking a lot of data. #CDev-XMLSitemap

  • 2023-08-25 #XCB-2690 (Ildar Amankulov)

    It was not possible to configure a store to use three lines for street address after upgrading to 5.5.1. Fixed. #CDev-Core #CDev-XMLSitemap

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2688 (Alexander Tcshurenko)

    API request returned 'Internal Server Error' if the order had a non-default payment status. Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2686 (Dmitriy Filippov)

    On the storefront, if an unavailable variant is selected, a switch to the next available variant in made. #XC-ProductVariants

  • 2023-08-30 #XCB-2681 (Ildar Amankulov)

    The lock for accepting PayPal callback was lifted too early. Fixed. #CDev-Paypal

  • 2023-08-30 #XCB-2675 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Storefront API: Fixed various errors. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-15 #XCB-2673 (Tatyana Serova)

    Autosync: Unnecessary extra fields appeared on the add-on settings page. Fixed. #XC-AutoSync

  • 2023-08-30 #XCB-2667 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Shop by brand + GA4 + deleted product error. Fixed. #CDev-GoogleAnalytics

  • 2023-08-21 #XCB-2666 (Maksim Kuznetsov)

    User got logged out on error code 504. Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-29 #XCB-2651 (Ildar Amankulov)

    eBay. Refactoring taking into account the deprecated fields in responses from 02/2024. #QSL-EBay

  • 2023-08-30 #XCB-2641 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    The Front page in the Admin area was not accessible for the role with the "Manage front page" permission. Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-28 #XCB-2636 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    An incorrect URL (not taking web_dir into account) was used for the "Go to dashboard" redirect after an error in the process of applying an update. Fixed. #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-25 #XCB-2619 (Maksim Kuznetsov)

    Error if attempting to place an order with Zapier add-on enabled. Fixed. #XC-Zapier #XC-CustomProductTabs

  • 2023-08-31 #XCB-2468 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Fixed the link for "Edit custom options". #CDev-Core

  • 2023-08-31 #XCB-2464 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Vendor user was not able to see the messages tab and/or send messages. Fixed. #XC-VendorMessages

  • 2023-08-31 #XCB-2413 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Banner add-on: Banners that were supposed to be tied to specific memberships were visible to users without membership. Fixed. #QSL-Banner

  • 2023-08-15 #XCB-1944 (Navolykin Vladimir)

    Error in Admin area related to creating a vendor partner account via an invitation link from a vendor. Fixed. #XC-VendorPartners

  • 2023-08-23 #XCB-1830 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Fatal error when attempting to import a product with a cloud-stored image. Fixed. #CDev-AmazonS3Images