Improvements (13)
2023-01-11 #XCB-2024 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Authorize.NET reseller signup link updated. #CDev-AuthorizeNet #QSL-AuthorizenetAcceptjs
2023-01-11 #XCB-2008 (Navolykin Vladimir)
No PHP 7.4 and ionCube Loader check for the 5.4.x-5.5.x update. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-12 #XCB-1956 (Navolykin Vladimir)
FedEx API version updated to 31. #CDev-FedEx
2023-01-11 #XCB-1945 (Maksim Kuznetsov)
An updated sample of X-Cart's Nginx configuration for web dir. #CDev-Core
2022-12-26 #XCB-1919 (Navolykin Vladimir)
A special "NOT EDIT THIS FILE" warning added to the .env file. The values are automatically copied from .env to .env.local during the installation package creation. #CDev-Core
2022-12-27 #XCB-1918 (Navolykin Vladimir)
The Admin area > Settings > API page texts update. #CDev-Core
2022-12-26 #ECOM-2537 (Navolykin Vladimir)
New help and description for console operations. #CDev-Core
2022-12-26 #ECOM-2449 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Incorrect tags transfer during the data migration. Fixed. #XC-FroalaEditor
2022-12-22 #ECOM-2441 (Michael Lipinski)
Product fitment info was not included in cloning. Fixed. #QSL-Make
2022-12-20 #ECOM-2411 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
The following Stripe payment methods were added: Klarna, Afterpay / Clearpay, Pay now, Sepa, Bancontact, BLIK, EPS, Giropay, iDeal, Przelewy24, Sofort, PromptPay, Pix, WeChat Pay, Konbini, OXXO, Boleto. #XC-Stripe
2022-12-28 #ECOM-2381 (Michael Lipinski)
The search by customer address filter added to the orders listing page. #CDev-Core #XC-MultiVendor
2023-01-04 #ECOM-2337 (Navolykin Vladimir)
UI/UX improvements for the Shipping page: Methods, Sorting and Ship-From Address are split into separate tabs. #CDev-Core #XC-MultiVendor
2022-12-23 #ECOM-2272 (Damir Khamidullin)
UI/UX Improvements: The Vehicle Selection Statistics page is added to the Admin area menu. #QSL-Make
Fixes (27)
2023-01-12 #XCB-2025 (Maksim Kuznetsov)
Software update resulted in the 401 Access denied error if sessions were stored in Redis. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-09 #XCB-2016 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Dynamic Messages editing worked incorrectly in email notifications. Fixed. #XC-ThemeTweaker
2023-01-06 #XCB-2011 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Text labels failed to save on the SEO Settings page. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-12 #XCB-2010 (Navolykin Vladimir)
The product price displayed incorrectly with configured sale price and VAT rates. Fixed. #CDev-VAT
2023-01-11 #XCB-2007 (Maksim Kuznetsov)
The admin area login failed after placing an order with the FirstData payment in X-Cart Marketplace edition. The checkout payment methods didn't display correctly after the page update. Fixed. #CDev-Core #QSL-LoyaltyProgram #QSL-ShopByBrand #XC-FastLaneCheckout #XC-MultiVendor #QSL-Roulette
2022-12-28 #XCB-2006 (Fedya Lavrentyev)
Syntax issues in @Extender\Depend. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2023-01-10 #XCB-2000 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Preorder/Backorder Add-on: Incorrect product quantity calculation. Fixed. #QSL-Backorder
2022-12-28 #XCB-1995 (Maksim Kuznetsov)
PEAR2 Curl adapter not closed properly on error. Too many open files. Fixed #CDev-Core
2022-12-29 #XCB-1994 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Adimn area failed to open the brand product list. Fixed. #QSL-ShopByBrand
2023-01-11 #XCB-1990 (Fedya Lavrentyev)
Titestamp for resource names was generated incorrectly. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-05 #XCB-1981 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Software update failed if the package contained files with numerical names. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-12-23 #XCB-1971 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Notifications on the order status update were sent with the "Order changed" notifications disabled in the Admin area. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-09 #XCB-1970 (Navolykin Vladimir)
The incorrect "Operate as this customer" mode functioning. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-05 #XCB-1965 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Fatal error when previewing some email notifications with PHP 8.0. Fixed. #CDev-ContactUs #QSL-CallForPrice #QSL-Returns #XC-ThemeTweaker #XC-BlueSnap #XC-TrustedVendors #XC-MultiVendor #XC-Reviews
2023-01-09 #XCB-1941 (Navolykin Vladimir)
A redirect loop occurred if the domain name was specified in capital letters in the config. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-12-26 #XCB-1931 (Maksim Kuznetsov)
The store rebuild in the Admin area failed if session.gc_divisor = 0 in php.ini. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2022-12-22 #XCB-1848 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Incorrect order subtotal after recalculating totals in the Admin area of a multi-vendor store with the warehouse mode enabled. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-12-20 #XCB-1776 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Incorrect Cyrillic symbols encoding in PDF invoices. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-06 #XCB-1720 (Damir Khamidullin)
Incorrect options display for the products with the "Display variants as a table" feature enabled. Fixed. #QSL-Backorder #QSL-VariantsTableView
2023-01-09 #XCB-1596 (Damir Khamidullin)
Incorrect status of a sent "Price down" notification in the Back In Stock add-on. Fixed. #QSL-BackInStock #XC-ProductVariants
2023-01-04 #XCB-1566 (Navolykin Vladimir)
The product in-stock quantity displayed incorrectly after disabling the PIN Codes add-on. Fixed. #CDev-PINCodes
2022-12-21 #XCB-1515 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Maximum product quantity per order limit warning displayed incorrectly. Fixed. #CDev-Core
2023-01-12 #XCB-1510 (Navolykin Vladimir)
UI style updates for the Order Returns and Order Messages tabs on the order details page. #QSL-Returns #XC-VendorMessages
2022-12-26 #XCB-1445 (Damir Khamidullin)
Incorrect reCaptcha application during a customer account creation. Fixed. #QSL-reCAPTCHA
2022-12-26 #XCB-1263 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
Updated the display of the incorrect password format warning when editing user profile. #CDev-Core
2023-01-04 #XCB-965 (Navolykin Vladimir)
Vendor area login failed for uses with the Sale management and Coupons management roles. Fixed. #XC-MultiVendor
2022-12-19 #XCB-962 (Alexander Tcshurenko)
The incorrect wishlist label field width. Fixed. #XC-CrispWhiteSkin