2017-03-16 - [Bug] Duplicate SKUs could be created for variants. #BUG-4682 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core #ProductVariants
2017-03-13 - [Bug] Attribute options could not be removed. #BUG-4673 (Maxim Kuznetsov) #Core
2017-03-10 - [Bug] When an order was edited in AOM by admin, the order currency was changed to the current currency of the admin. Fixed. #BUG-4638 (Sergey Elmanov) #MultiCurrency
2017-03-10 - [Bug] VAT rate was shown for ordered items on the invoice even after a valid Tax Number had been entered. #BUG-4668 (Maxim Kuznetsov) #VAT
2017-03-10 - [Bug] Improvement for the image import process with the module Amazon S3 Images enabled. #BUG-4636 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core #AmazonS3Images
2017-03-10 - [Bug] An invalid URL was sent in the invoice for egood download if the module MultiVendor was enabled and configured to operate in the Warehouse mode. #BUG-4655 (Eugene Dementjev) #Egoods #MultiVendor
2017-03-09 - [Bug] When importing a product in a UK distribution based store, errors were generated and product attributes got erased. #BUG-4627 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-03-09 - [Bug] If multiple products/categories had the same image, the migration of images to Amazon S3 looped. #BUG-4635 (Sergey Elmanov) #AmazonS3Images
2017-03-06 - [Bug] Removed the mention of free signup for MightyCall. #BUG-4640 (Eugene Dementjev) #MightyCallReact
2017-03-06 - [Bug] Checkout could not be completed with certain address states. #BUG-4645 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core
2017-03-03 - [Bug] JS error in IE when using custom galleries on the product page. #BUG-4631 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core
2017-03-03 - [Bug] Fatal error when using an Amazon Pay login with the module MailChimp configured. #BUG-4634 (Eugene Dementjev) #PayWithAmazon #MailChimp
2017-03-03 - [Bug] Bullet points in bulleted lists were not displayed in the news. #BUG-4409 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-03-02 - [Bug] Social Login issue: When signing in via the popup, the user was signed in but remained on the sign in page. #BUG-4561 (Eugene Dementjev) #CrispWhiteSkin
2017-03-02 - [Bug] Replaced the pencil icon used at the step of payment in the shipping address section of Fast Lane checkout in Crisp White skin with a truck icon with a tip. #BUG-4641 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core #RuTranslation #FastLaneCheckout
2017-03-02 - [Bug] In the quick view popup, the button for uploading files for the product was missing. #BUG-4508 (Sergey Elmanov) #CustomerAttachments
2017-03-01 - [Bug] Stripe/Paypal callback was processed before the return. Now callback is not processed until after the return is fully processed. #BUG-4606 (Eugene Dementjev) #Paypal #Stripe
2017-02-28 - [Bug] With a large number of categories in a store, the page for adding/editing a product exhibited slow load times due to the absense of runtime cache. #BUG-4625 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core
2017-02-28 - [Bug] When setting the default customer address, the default state field value could not be set to "select one". #BUG-4633 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core
2017-02-28 - [Bug] The logic for adding to cart of a product with an out-of-stock attribute was different from that for adding a product with an out-of-stock variant. #BUG-4393 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-28 - [Bug] Removed the Required checkbox for the State field of Address fields. Now the State field is treated as required if the country has states and optional if the country does not have states. #BUG-4303 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-24 - [Bug] With the setting 'Force customer to choose product options before adding a product to cart' is set to 'On category and product', if a product with options was added via AOM, the link for choosing product options did not appear. #BUG-4621 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core
2017-02-24 - [Bug] Warning: usort() expects parameter 2 to be a valid callback, non-static method XLite\Core\Package::sortByWeight(). Fixed. #BUG-4502 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-24 - [Bug] If the Maximum order quantity value was decreased to the next level (for example, from 10 to 5), the quantity of ordered items in the orders was also decreased if the product quantity specified in the order was larger than the new Maximum order quantity limit. #BUG-4501 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-24 - [Bug] GA module was writing to database too frequently. #BUG-4574 (Michael Lipinski) #GoogleAnalytics
2017-02-24 - [Bug] During the calculation of quick data, in the xlite_manus table the fields lpos/rpos/depth were reset to null. #BUG-4616 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #SimpleCMS
2017-02-24 - [Bug] A fatal error occurred during the upload of orders if the orders contained products that had been removed. #BUG-4602 (Michael Lipinski) #MailChimp
2017-02-22 - [Bug] The upload add-on feature did not work. #BUG-4584 (Eugene Dementjev) #Core
2017-02-22 - [Bug] The add to cart confirmation message with the PayPal button was not consolidated into one. #BUG-4599 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-22 - [Bug] The Country dropdown selector was empty if using multicurrency and a non-default language. #BUG-4536 (Sergey Elmanov) #MultiCurrency
2017-02-22 - [Bug] If using VAT, the alignment of rates within the product table was different for the HTML invoice sent via email compared to the invoice viewable within X-Cart in a browser. #BUG-4521 (Michael Lipinski) #VAT
2017-02-22 - [Bug] If the setting 'Not finished order will be created' was set to "as soon as 'Place order’ button is pressed", and the order was paid for via Amazon, after clicking 'Place order' the customer was redirected to cart.php. #BUG-4612 (Eugene Dementjev) #NotFinishedOrders
2017-02-22 - [Bug] If a page with a product review was opened in a new tab, a wrong link was formed. #BUG-4538 (Michael Lipinski) #CrispWhiteSkin
2017-02-22 - [Bug] GD version was determined incorrectly on the Environment settings page. #BUG-4551 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-22 - [Bug] During the editing of a product not related to changing the product arrival date, a wrong arrival date was recorded. #BUG-4539 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-21 - [Bug] When adding a product with variants to an order, the price of the default variant was used. #BUG-4545 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-21 - [Bug] In Firefox, after a customer signed in, they remained on the sign-in page. #BUG-4546 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-21 - [Bug] If an order was edited by an admin, PO number did not appear in the invoices. #BUG-4540 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-21 - [Bug] Fatal error if selecting a non-image file in the file uploader field on an item list. #BUG-4601 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-21 - [Bug] During an upgrade, the option use_dynamic_image_resizing got activated. #BUG-4519 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-21 - [Bug] Changed the text to be displayed on a subcategories page for when there are no subcategories. #BUG-4554 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #RuTranslation
2017-02-21 - [Bug] CSS classed in Crisp White were tied to product list and order list. #BUG-4510 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #CrispWhiteSkin
2017-02-21 - [Bug] After importing orders, the order number for the next order created by a customer was assigned incorrectly. #BUG-4534 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-20 - [Bug] Wrong text for the Order shipped setting on the email notifications settings page. #BUG-4456 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #RuTranslation
2017-02-20 - [Bug] Wrong alignment of items in the account menu. #BUG-4598 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-20 - [Bug] PDF invoice layout issues if the admin email address was too long. #BUG-4596 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-20 - [Bug] Layout issues in the price block of Product Filter in Crisp White skin if the currency name was longer than $. #BUG-4573 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-20 - [Bug] A wrong buyer shipping address was passed to RESTapi. #BUG-4549 (Michael Lipinski) #RESTAPI
2017-02-17 - [Bug] When using Fast Lane checkout in IE 11, customer's billing address fields were not displayed. #BUG-4595 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-17 - [Bug] In IE 11, the product page content was offset to the right. #BUG-4542 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-17 - [Bug] Fixed the log notice: CDev/XMLSitemap: Notice: ob_flush(): failed to flush buffer. No buffer to flush #BUG-4589 (Michael Lipinski) #XMLSitemap
2017-02-16 - [Bug] Layout improvements for the ShippingCalc module settings page (for when the trial period has expired). #BUG-4527 (Michael Lipinski) #ShippingCalc
2017-02-16 - [Bug] A blank banner could be created for the main page. #BUG-4470 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-15 - [Bug] When editing an order in AOM, modifications of product options were not saved if the number of options the product being edited had was larger than 6. #BUG-4583 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-15 - [Bug] Shipping dimensions measurement unit was displayed incorrectly on the product page. #BUG-4522 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-15 - [Bug] Reviewer name was changed if the review was moderated via a popup in the Admin area. Removed the email field, added the field Reviewer name. #BUG-4497 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core #ProductReviews
2017-02-15 - [Bug] On the settings page, added information on setting up async-order in Amazon Pay. #BUG-4585 (Sergey Elmanov) #PayWithAmazon
2017-02-15 - [Bug] Improved request/response logging in the Skrill payment module. #BUG-4581 (Michael Lipinski) #Skrill
2017-02-15 - [Bug] Fixed the wrong value of the language variable Categories processed. #BUG-4515 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-15 - [Bug] Changed the sort order of global attributes in the filter to match the sort order used in admin. #BUG-4492 (Sergey Elmanov) #ProductFilter
2017-02-14 - [Bug] The field Role is not required for admin profile. Removed the asterisk displayed next to this field which showed that the field was a required one and made the field editable for existing profiles. #BUG-4498 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-14 - [Bug] Order items were not exported when exporting orders from an order list when the module MultiVendor was enabled. #BUG-4582 (Michael Lipinski) #MultiVendor #Orders Import
2017-02-14 - [Bug] Added polyfill for the function getallheaders(), which is absent if using an nginx server. #BUG-4499 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-13 - [Bug] Renamed the settings Public key / Private key to Site key / Secret key. #BUG-4424 (Michael Lipinski) #ContactUs
2017-02-13 - [Bug] Layout issues on the language labels page. #BUG-4475 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-13 - [Bug] After updating to, the actual date of Pay with Amazon payment transactions was changed to the current date. #BUG-4562 (Michael Lipinski) #PayWithAmazon
2017-02-10 - [Bug] Order confirmation button was displayed incorrectly if a long button text was used. #BUG-4450 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #FastLaneCheckout
2017-02-10 - [Bug] Incorrect redirect when using password reset urls with the clean urls feature enabled. #BUG-4529 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-02-09 - [Bug] With cleanURLs disabled, vendors could see a link to the SEO settings page. #BUG-4468 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #MultiVendor
2017-02-09 - [Bug] Layout issues in PDF invoice when using multicurrency. #BUG-4481 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core #MultiCurrency
2017-02-09 - [Bug] In REST api, write key could be easily obtained with read key. #BUG-4547 (Michael Lipinski) #RESTAPI
2017-02-08 - [Bug] Changed the module name and any mentions of Pay with Amazon to Amazon Pay. #BUG-4451 (Sergey Elmanov) #PayWithAmazon
2017-02-06 - [Bug] With the module MultiVendor enabled, the speed up your store notification was not displayed when the Agregate CSS files or Aggregate JS files or Use widget cache options were disabled. #BUG-4437 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core #MultiVendor
2017-02-02 - [Bug] With widget cache enabled, the same products were shown as bestsellers both for the main page and for categories. Fixed. Now only products from a category and its subcategories can be shown as bestsellers in a category. #BUG-4503 (Sergey Elmanov) #Bestsellers
2017-02-02 - [Bug] When the setting 'Force customer to choose product options before adding a product to cart' was set to 'On category and product page', it was possible to select variants that were unavailable (Unavailable options were not disabled). Fixed. #BUG-4509 (Sergey Elmanov) #ProductVariants
2017-02-02 - [Bug] When importing any entities, the 'Categories processed' step was run. Fixed. #BUG-4472 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-02-02 - [Bug] Fixed some layout issues on the Email notifications page in the Admin area. #BUG-4476 (Sergey Elmanov) #Core
2017-01-30 - [Bug] With the module Multicurrency enabled, order input fields in the Admin area were always displayed using the current store currency. #BUG-4431 (Michael Lipinski) #Core
2017-01-19 - [Bug] If a coupon was added to an order via AOM, the number of uses for that coupon was not increased. #BUG-4413 (Michael Lipinski) #Coupons
2017-01-17 - [Bug] Pilibaba payment method was shown as available on the checkout page even when unsupported currency was used. Fixed. #BUG-4373 (Michael Lipinski) #Core #Pilibaba
2017-01-16 - [Bug] Product search issues in the Admin area: a product could not be found if its name contained the & character. #BUG-4422 (Maxim Kuznetsov) #Core