Improvements (3)
2018-11-22 #BUG-6834 (Vladimir Semyonov)
Updated the PHPMailer library to version 5.2.27 #Core
2018-11-20 #BUG-6778 (Shevelov Alexander)
Minor UX improvements for the user login form for the case when a customer enters an incorrect password. #Core #CrispWhiteSkin
2018-11-12 #XCN-9252 (Shevelov Alexander)
Hidden attributes feature added. #Core #FileAttachments #ProductFilter #BulkEditing #GoogleFeed
Fixes (19)
2018-12-03 #BUG-6794 (Shevelov Alexander)
Order note in Not Finished Orders (NFO) was lost if the module MultiVendor was enabled. Fixed. #Core #Paypal #FastLaneCheckout #MultiVendor #NotFinishedOrders
2018-12-03 #BUG-6826 (Shevelov Alexander)
Unit tests fixed. #Core #Wholesale
2018-11-27 #BUG-6822 (Shevelov Alexander)
Category import was not working correctly. Fixed. #Core
2018-11-27 #BUG-6849 (Vladimir Semyonov)
A wrong product price was shown because of widget caching if VAT had been configured. Fixed. #Core
2018-11-23 #BUG-6825 (Vladimir Semyonov)
Fixed the headers for some module files. #Paypal #EWAYStoredShared #FirstDataPayeezyGatewayHP #VendorPartners
2018-11-23 #BUG-6827 #BT-50168 (Vladimir Semyonov)
When switching from one variant to another, the image of the variant being viewed was not displayed if the product and its default variant did not have an image. Fixed. #Core #ProductVariants #CrispWhiteSkin
2018-11-22 #BUG-6818 #BT-50139 (Vladimir Semyonov)
Styles were used for mobile view in IE 10 if the setting optimize_css was enabled (optimize_css=On) in etc/config.php. Fixed. #Core
2018-11-21 #BUG-6769 (Shevelov Alexander)
Layout issues on the checkout page in Mobile view with Fast Lane Checkout and GDPR enabed. Fixed. #Core #FastLaneCheckout #CrispWhiteSkin #GDPR
2018-11-20 #BUG-6788 (Shevelov Alexander)
With FLC enabled, after an unsuccessful payment the customer was sent to the first step of checkout insted of the last one. #FastLaneCheckout #CrispWhiteSkin
2018-11-20 #BUG-6803 #BT-50111 (Vladimir Semyonov)
NFO orders were not excluded from the results of application of the filter "Awaiting processing" in the Admin area. Fixed. Added a new filter - "Not finished". #NotFinishedOrders
2018-11-19 #BUG-6792 #BT-50090 (Shevelov Alexander)
It was possible to place an order with a saved address using FLC even if the address was lacking some required fields. Fixed.
2018-11-19 #BUG-6807 #BT-50108 (Vladimir Semyonov)
In mobile view, the filters were disappearing after Reset filter was clicked. Fixed. #ProductFilter
2018-11-16 #BUG-6782 (Shevelov Alexander)
VAT was shown in a wrong place during FLC checkout. Fixed. #Core #FastLaneCheckout #CrispWhiteSkin
2018-11-15 #BUG-6781 (Vladimir Semyonov)
HTML tags are now stripped correctly from the meta description field of products, categories, pages, news (in the cases when it is generated automatically). #Core #SimpleCMS #News
2018-11-14 #BUG-6829 (Shevelov Alexander)
If an order was placed with the status Authorized, and the setting "Register purchase on Paid status only" was disabled, then, after the order status was switched to Paid, a duplicate purchase transaction was created in GA. Fixed. #GoogleAnalytics
2018-11-13 #BUG-6618 #BT-49800 (Shevelov Alexander)
A wrong error message ("Variant sku must be unique") was shown during product variant import. Fixed. #Core #ProductVariants
2018-11-13 #BUG-6813 (Shevelov Alexander)
Wholesale price selection did not take the price type ($ or %) into account; as a result, incorrect prices were shown sometimes. Fixed. #Wholesale
2018-11-06 #BUG-6812 #BT-50119 (Shevelov Alexander)
PayPal payment button was not active and could not be clicked because the widget XLite\View\Checkout\BillingAddress was taking too long to load. Fixed. #Core
2018-11-01 #BUG-6765 (Shevelov Alexander)
The button Save changes was not activated on the tab for editing the global attributes of a product after the store admin had clicked [x] on a global attribute with the field type Yes/No or Textarea. Fixed. #Core