Improvements (4)
2020-08-20 #BUG-8951 (Nikita Erkhov)
Removed the word "beta" from the name of the addon "PayPal for Marketplaces". #Paypal
2020-08-18 #BUG-8930 (Kirill Stadler)
Added support for Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft pay for Stripe. #Stripe
2020-08-10 #BUG-8870 (Shevelov Alexander)
Removed the message about license expiration from the storefront. #Core
2020-08-04 #BUG-8824 (Nikita Erkhov)
Changed the name "SagePay" to "Opayo" in all the places where it was used. #SagePay #Onboarding
Fixes (50)
2020-08-25 #BUG-8933 (Fedor Lavrentyev)
Fixed the [!] icon animation on the service screen. #Service
2020-08-20 #BUG-8944 (Fedor Lavrentyev)
Set a 45 sec timeout for guzzle client. #Core
2020-08-17 #BUG-8904 #BT-52025 (Nikita Erkhov)
Fatal error when trying to import a product with a global attribute value set to NULL. Fixed. #Core
2020-08-17 #BUG-8903 #BT-52021 (Nikita Erkhov)
Links in the side category menu were not taking into account the categoryclean_urls_format setting. Fixed. #FlyoutCategoriesMenu_
2020-08-17 #BUG-8859 (Nikita Erkhov)
Price countdown. The counter was working incorrectly. Fixed. #PriceCountdown
2020-08-13 #BUG-8905 #BT-52030 (Nikita Erkhov)
Fixed the wrong path in skins/common/bootstrap/css/variables.less. #Core
2020-08-13 #BUG-8895 #BT-52007 (Nikita Erkhov)
Update inventory. During the process of import, new products were created for SKUs from the import file which had not existed before. Исправлено #UpdateInventory
2020-08-13 #BUG-8888 (Nikita Erkhov)
Product stickers. Layout issues related to stickers. Fixed. #ProductStickers
2020-08-12 #BUG-8927 (Shevelov Alexander)
Errors in logs when running restoredb on php 7.4. Fixed. #Geolocation
2020-08-12 #BUG-8890 (Shevelov Alexander)
Make/Model/Year. Layout issues related to the button "Add" on the "Fitment" tab of the product page in the Admin area. Fixed. #Make\Model\Year
2020-08-12 #BUG-8889 (Shevelov Alexander)
PDF invoices. Removed the unused setting "Clear order email content when the invoice is attached". #PDFInvoice
2020-08-12 #BUG-8857 (Nikita Erkhov)
Price countdown vs Sale. The price was shown incorrectly when Sale for the product was disabled. Fixed. #PriceCountdown
2020-08-11 #BUG-8887 #BT-52010 (Shevelov Alexander)
Google feed. The tag <g:price> was incorrect or missing when Free shipping was enabled for the product. Fixed. #GoogleFeed
2020-08-11 #BUG-8884 #BT-52012 (Shevelov Alexander)
Notices and warnings on the cart page after removing the default customer address or changing data. Fixed. #Core #SimpleCMS
2020-08-11 #BUG-8861 (Nikita Erkhov)
Age verification popup. Warning on the storefront. Fixed. #AgeVerification
2020-08-11 #BUG-8799 #BT-51887 (Nikita Erkhov)
For an addon with type: common, templates were not applied if Main class was not declared. Fixed. #Core
2020-08-10 #BUG-8876 (Shevelov Alexander)
The attribute parameter displayMode was not changing in the database. Fixed. #Core
2020-08-10 #BUG-8874 #BT-52002 (Shevelov Alexander)
REST API vs Coupons. The field Coupon was not filled when the order was being requested via the complex scheme. Fixed. #Coupons #RESTAPI
2020-08-07 #BUG-8898 #BT-52020 (Nikita Erkhov)
Volume Discounts vs Taxes. Tax was calculated incorrectly for orders with volume discounts applied. Fixed. #Core
2020-08-07 #BUG-8852 (Shevelov Alexander)
Post-checkout upsell. The popup showed out of stock products with an Arrival date set in future. Fixed. #OneClickUpsellAfterCheckout
2020-08-07 #BUG-8792 (Nikita Erkhov)
Crisp white vs MV. Layout issues related to the popup block with vendor rating. #MultiVendor
2020-08-06 #BUG-8841 (Shevelov Alexander)
Back in stock notifications. Incorrect message on product page on the storefront about the customer being subscribed to back in stock notifications. Fixed. #BackInStock
2020-08-06 #BUG-8785 #BT-51867 (Shevelov Alexander)
Yandex.kassa. Broken link in the help tip for "Yandex" on the admin.php?target=tax_classes page. Fixed. #Yandex Checkout
2020-08-06 #BUG-8739 #BT-51824 (Shevelov Alexander)
Fedex. Fedex shipping method was not available for selection at checkout if the order needed to be shipped from Australia and the store had states configured. Fixed. #FedEx
2020-08-05 #BUG-8902 #BT-52031 (Damir Khamidullin)
Paypal Checkout vs OPC. After selecting a different shipping method, the Total amount on the button did not change. Fixed. #Core #Paypal
2020-08-03 #BUG-8853 (Nikita Erkhov)
Fixed the way addons are sorted in the My addons section. Now the sorting is case insensitive. #Service
2020-08-03 #BUG-8773 (Damir Khamidullin)
When importing products, a product attachment was not formed correctly because the link was incorrect. Fixed. #Core #FileAttachments
2020-07-31 #BUG-8848 (Nikita Erkhov)
When using drag & drop to move a line in a table in the Admin area, the text in the table heading moved. Fixed. #Core
2020-07-31 #BUG-8791 (Fedor Lavrentyev)
Layout issues related to the second level block in the Primary menu on the storefront. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin #SpaceVioletSkin
2020-07-30 #BUG-8856 (Fedor Lavrentyev)
The error message text was not fully visible in the box on the service.php screen. Fixed. #Service
2020-07-30 #BUG-8847 #BT-51987 (Shevelov Alexander)
It was not possible to download Google/Facebook/Yandex feed if a non-default language was selected in the Admin area and and use_language_url was set to "Y". Fixed. #Facebook Commerce #GoogleFeed #YandexMarket
2020-07-30 #BUG-8846 (Shevelov Alexander)
Back in stock notifications. Under certain conditions, the incorrect label "1 other person are subscribed..." was used. Fixed. #BackInStock
2020-07-30 #BUG-8845 (Shevelov Alexander)
After removing some addons and installing them again, the records in xctasks were duplicated. Fixed. #Core_
2020-07-30 #BUG-8842 (Nikita Erkhov)
Layout issues related to displaying the add review form on mobile. Fixed. #ProductReviews
2020-07-30 #BUG-8828 (Nikita Erkhov)
Layout issues in the product block when viewing the product list in grid view with the addons VAT and Loyalty program enabled at the same time. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin
2020-07-29 #BUG-8839 (Shevelov Alexander)
Incorrect admin addresses were created when placing an order as an administrator. Fixed. #Core #FastLaneCheckout
2020-07-29 #BUG-8834 #BT-51980 (Shevelov Alexander)
Advanced Contact Us Form. The "Preview full email" and "Send to..." options on the "Advanced Contact Us Form Submitted" notification setup page were not working. Fixed. #AdvancedContactUs
2020-07-29 #BUG-8831 (Nikita Erkhov)
Admin/customer password was visible in logs. Fixed. #Core
2020-07-28 #BUG-8814 (Shevelov Alexander)
In the "Operate as this user" mode, the shopping cart contents remained admin's. Fixed. #Core
2020-07-27 #BUG-8819 #BT-52005 (Damir Khamidullin)
Export. The displayMode column for a product attribute of the Y/N type was formed incorrectly. Fixed. #Core
2020-07-24 #BUG-8810 (Damir Khamidullin)
Product Variants. QTY for a variant could not be set to "0". Fixed. #ProductVariants
2020-07-24 #BUG-8801 #BT-51892 (Nikita Erkhov)
Pop-up Anywhere. The "Show if URL contains" condition was working incorrectly. Fixed. #PopupAnywhere
2020-07-23 #BUG-8800 #BT-51889 (Nikita Erkhov)
Transparency of the background was lost for an image after resizing the image with image magick disabled. Fixed. #Core
2020-07-23 #BUG-8776 #BT-51864 (Damir Khamidullin)
For PayPal Credit banners to work, the merchant now themselves has to specify the Publisher ID in the payment method settings. #Paypal
2020-07-22 #BUG-8795 #BT-51880 (Damir Khamidullin)
Shop by brand. When removing a global attribute, records were not removed from xcbrand_images. Fixed. #ShopByBrand_
2020-07-20 #BUG-8794 #BT-51869 (Shevelov Alexander)
Discount amount was recalculated after editing the order in AOM. Fixed. #VolumeDiscounts
2020-07-17 #BUG-8788 (Nikita Erkhov)
Some of the page titles in the Admin area did not match the names of items in the main admin menu. #Core #XMLSitemap
2020-07-16 #BUG-8835 #BT-52036 (Nikita Erkhov)
FireFox. Switching the product list view (Grid - Table - List) on the storefront worked incorrectly. Fixed. #Core
2020-07-08 #BUG-8738 (Damir Khamidullin)
The "review it" block was positioned incorrectly on the Custom css page. Fixed. #ThemeTweaker
2020-06-29 #BUG-8787 (Kirill Stadler)
When using queues, images were not displayed in the notification email messages. Fixed. #Core