Skip to main content - 16 Sep 2019

Improvements (12)

  • 2019-09-12 #BUG-7922 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Onboarding Wizard is now expanded on the first admin login. #Onboarding

  • 2019-09-02 #XCN-9896 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Removed the setting "use_canonical_urls_only"; added a new setting "canonical_product_clean_urls_format" in etc/config.php which sets the format for the product canonical url. #Core #XMLSitemap #NextPreviousProduct #GoogleFeed #YandexMarket

  • 2019-08-30 #BUG-7077 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Minor text label changes for the Payment methods page. #Core

  • 2019-08-28 #BUG-7825 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Bot detection function improvement. #Core

  • 2019-08-23 #XCN-10108 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Small fixes for Amazon Pay Strong Customer Authentication (PSD2) #Core #AmazonPay

  • 2019-08-15 #XCN-10104 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Improvements and bug fixes for the New/Backorder fulfilment status feature. #Core #ThemeTweaker #PINCodes #ProductVariants

  • 2019-08-05 #XCN-10148 (Kirill Stadler)

    Added lazy loading; removed the "smart image loading" feature. #Core #ProductAdvisor #FastLaneCheckout #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2019-07-29 #BUG-7757 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    An optimization for demo banners. #Core

  • 2019-07-25 #XCN-10079 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Small improvements for the module Concierge #Concierge

  • 2019-07-05 #BUG-7641 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Fixed the clean URLs in demo data. #Core #SimpleCMS

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-6603 #BT-49765 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Updates to the presentation of yes/no default value for attributes. #Core

  • 2019-06-27 #BUG-7636 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Updated the MaxMind GeoLite2 Country database for the addon Geolocation. #Geolocation

Fixes (81)

  • 2019-09-12 #BUG-7907 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Adaptation of some commands of the xc5 utility for version #Core

  • 2019-09-05 #BUG-7885 (Shevelov Alexander)

    The tag "noscript" of the addon Google tag manager was right after the tag "body". Fixed. #Core #GoogleTagManager

  • 2019-09-04 #BUG-7886 (Shevelov Alexander)

    If a skin dependent on Crisp White was active, the skin could not be switched. Fixed. #Service

  • 2019-09-04 #BUG-7877 (Shevelov Alexander)

    When extending a LESS-file, the image path in the file being extended was broken. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-09-04 #BUG-7876 (Shevelov Alexander)

    The Drag-n-drop blocks switcher in the layout editor did not work correctly sometimes. Fixed. #Core #ThemeTweaker

  • 2019-09-04 #BUG-7834 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Distribution pack installation could not be completed on a Win server. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-09-04 #BUG-7828 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Webmaster kit Profiler bar was not visible with the panel expanded. Fixed. #WebmasterKit

  • 2019-09-04 #BUG-7554 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Added .htaccess for the upgrade utility. #Core

  • 2019-09-03 #BUG-7832 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Layout type could not be changed for the home page or other pages if a skin extending Crisp White skin was used. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-09-03 #BUG-7746 #BT-50898 (Shevelov Alexander)

    The Next / Prev product links on the product page worked incorrectly. Fixed. #NextPreviousProduct

  • 2019-08-29 #BUG-6694 #BT-49944 #BT-50975 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Clicking the "Disable all" button on a product listing page in the Admin area disabled all the products in the store instead of just the products that had been found. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-26 #BUG-7823 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Incorrect Russian translation of a message about addon interdependencies. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-26 #BUG-7820 #BT-50970 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    The message "Free license is already registered for the email" was not displayed in the case of a repeat activation with the same Email. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-26 #BUG-7818 (Shevelov Alexander)

    The information about the change of a discount was missing from the "Order changed" email notification. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-26 #BUG-7813 (Shevelov Alexander)

    License warnings popup was not displayed while the addon was active without the required license. Layout issues resulting in the incorrect display of elements within the popup. Incorrect operation after a click on the "Recheck" button; information about the addon Multi-vendor was missing from the list of warnings. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-21 #BUG-6608 (Shevelov Alexander)

    With a large number of vendors, there were errors when loading a product page or when selecting a vendor on a product page or on the Volume discounts page. #Core #VolumeDiscounts #MultiVendor

  • 2019-08-20 #BUG-7811 (Shevelov Alexander)

    JS error when editing products with bulk edit. Fixed. #BulkEditing

  • 2019-08-19 #BUG-7799 #BT-50943 (Shevelov Alexander)

    The Cart page could not be loaded correctly with the addon TaxJar active but not configured. Fixed. #TaxJar

  • 2019-08-14 #BUG-7796 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Minor adjustments of the Add PIN codes popup layout according to the style guide. #PINCodes

  • 2019-08-14 #BUG-7791 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Fixed some layout issues for the Open dispute popup in the Admin area. #VendorMessages

  • 2019-08-11 #BUG-7797 (Kirill Stadler)

    Layout issues in AOM after adding a product. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-11 #BUG-7787 (Kirill Stadler)

    A product created by an administrator was unavailable for purchase after its creation. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-10 #BUG-7450 #BT-50725 (Kirill Stadler)

    VAT was calculated incorrectly if editing a product variant in AOM. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-09 #BUG-7162 #BT-50561 (Kirill Stadler)

    VAT was calculated incorrectly if discounts/coupons were used. Fixed. #VAT

  • 2019-08-09 #BUG-6957 #BT-50326 (Kirill Stadler)

    Typo in the core.js code. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-06 #BUG-6999 #BT-50380 (Kirill Stadler)

    Fatal error when generating Yandex Market Feed via cron under certain conditions. Fixed. #YandexMarket

  • 2019-08-05 #BUG-7778 (Kirill Stadler)

    Added the adjustment of set_time_limit in service.php. #Service

  • 2019-08-05 #BUG-7346 #BT-50634 (Kirill Stadler)

    The filter "Communication threads with unread messages" for messages in the Admin area did not work. Fixed. #VendorMessages

  • 2019-08-05 #BUG-6973 (Kirill Stadler)

    Changed the data type for the fields "path" and "additionalDetails" of the product_attachment_history_points table. #Egoods

  • 2019-08-05 #BUG-6971 #BT-50358 (Kirill Stadler)

    When exporting orders created by anonymous users, the column customerAnonymous had an incorrect value. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-08-01 #BUG-7752 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Minor layout issue on the order editing page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-31 #BUG-6752 (Kirill Stadler)

    Subscribers without an email address could be added via the Admin area. Fixed. #NewsletterSubscriptions

  • 2019-07-31 #BUG-6728 (Kirill Stadler)

    Small refactoring for \XLite\Controller\AController::startDownload. #Core

  • 2019-07-31 #BUG-6175 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    If body.twig was modified via theme tweaker, the minicart icon disappeared in Standard skin. Fixed. #ThemeTweaker

  • 2019-07-30 #BUG-7464 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Incorrect prices in the filter with VAT enabled and configured. Fixed. #Core #VAT

  • 2019-07-29 #BUG-7724 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The condition specifying that a payment method should not be shown for specific countries (exCountries field) did not work correctly. Fixed. #Core #Service

  • 2019-07-26 #BUG-7640 #BT-50797 (Kirill Stadler)

    Fatal error when subscribing customers to news: "Error (code: 0): A new entity was found through the relationship 'XLite\Module\XC\MailChimp\Model\MailChimpList#profiles' that was not configured to cascade persist operations for entity". Fixed. #NewsletterSubscriptions

  • 2019-07-25 #BUG-7750 (Shevelov Alexander)

    On page refresh, the footer menu got reloaded. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2019-07-24 #BUG-7743 (Kirill Stadler)

    The button "Add to cart" was not shown if Inventory tracking for the product was disabled. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-24 #BUG-7732 #BT-50882 (Kirill Stadler)

    Fatal error if two or more customers attempted to purchase the last unit of a product variant at the same time. Fixed. #ProductVariants

  • 2019-07-24 #BUG-7729 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Incorrect core version in a 5.3 -> 5.4 upgrade. Fixed. #Service

  • 2019-07-24 #BUG-7476 (Kirill Stadler)

    Incorrect styles applied to the text label "Sale" on a list of products within a category in the Admin area. Fixed. #Sale

  • 2019-07-24 #BUG-7343 (Kirill Stadler)

    The link "Test your emails" on the Contact information page pointed to a wrong page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-23 #BUG-7712 (Maxim Kuznetsov) URL updated for #Core #FileAttachments #PINCodes #RelatedProducts #BulkEditing #CustomProductTabs

  • 2019-07-23 #BUG-7710 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Layout issues in the popup for file attachment upload via URL. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-23 #BUG-7694 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Some pages did not fit into a window width of 1280px without horizontal scrolling. Fixed. #Core #SimpleCMS #ProductReviews

  • 2019-07-23 #BUG-7625 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Improved logging for the service tool. #Service

  • 2019-07-18 #BUG-7722 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    JS error on the product details page in the Admin area. Fixed. #Core #MarketPrice #Sale #Wholesale #FreeShipping #BulkEditing #Onboarding

  • 2019-07-18 #BUG-7662 #BT-50816 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    An incorrect sale_price field value was exported to Facebook feed. Fixed. #VAT #Facebook Commerce

  • 2019-07-17 #BUG-7709 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The folder files/service was accessible for selecting files from the server when adding attachments to products. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-16 #BUG-7696 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Layout issues in the popup for changing the options of a purchased product in AOM. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-16 #BUG-7691 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Vendor income and Vendor expense were calculated incorrectly when searching for transactions by date range. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2019-07-16 #BUG-7681 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    If the payment method was changed, the widgets at checkout took too long to load. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-16 #BUG-7658 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Added polyfills for iconv and xml. #Service

  • 2019-07-16 #BUG-7632 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Errors generated during cache rebuilding were not logged. Fixed. #Core #Service

  • 2019-07-16 #BUG-7626 #BT-50851 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Layout issues on the Migration wizard pages. Fixed. #MigrationWizard

  • 2019-07-15 #BUG-7697 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Addon settings were reset to defaults if upgrading from X-Cart version 5.3 to 5.4. Fixed. #Core #Service

  • 2019-07-15 #BUG-7650 #BT-50819 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    "Mixed content" errors in the JS console on the My addons page. Fixed. #Service

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7690 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Search for various entities by data range did not work. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7685 #BT-50816 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Products got duplicated in Facebook feed and Google feed, Fixed. #Facebook Commerce #GoogleFeed

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7665 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The MariaDB version check routine was working incorrectly. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7661 #BT-50831 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Custom CSS were not taken into account when displaying a page if ajax loading of certain widgets was involved. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7659 #BT-50832 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Some text labels could not be translated. Fixed. #Core #Stripe #FastLaneCheckout

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7603 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Admin commissions total was displayed incorrectly with MV enabled. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2019-07-12 #BUG-7602 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Vendor selector displayed incorrectly on the Vendor transactions page. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2019-07-10 #BUG-7687 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Fatal error if attempting to remove all data via System tools -> Remove data. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-04 #BUG-7657 #BT-50823 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The function \XLite\Mоdel\Order::processBackorderedItems now supports correct processing of removed products. #Core

  • 2019-07-04 #BUG-7656 #BT-50827 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The addon name was shown incorrectly on the addon settings page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-04 #BUG-7649 #BT-50821 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The skin activation popup did not get displayed properly after clicking 'Activate purchased skin'. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-04 #BUG-7638 #BT-50811 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The Advanced search form elements on the search results page were not aligned properly. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7635 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The error message related to the activation of clean URLs was displayed incorrectly. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7631 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Images were not displayed in pdf invoices. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7630 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Layout issues in the admin email invoice. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7628 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Display issues on tables allowing for readjustment of sort positions of the elements contained in them. Fixed. #Core #ProductTags

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7591 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Fatal error when attempting to open the bulk edit page for cloned products. Fixed. #BulkEditing

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7584 (Kirill Stadler)

    Fatal error when attempting to open a next/previous product with a disabled root category. Fixed. #NextPreviousProduct

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7577 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    After logging in to the Admin area for the first time after X-Cart installation, the informational popup was not loaded. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-07-03 #BUG-7572 (Shevelov Alexander)

    A new global class could not be added from a product page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-06-27 #BUG-7612 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Incorrect image links in Google feed with Amazon S3 Images addon enabled. Fixed. #AmazonS3Images #GoogleFeed #YandexMarket

  • 2019-06-27 #BUG-6580 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Refactoring of the JS code responsible for the display of product options in the Admin area. Fixed. #Core #Buy Button

  • 2019-06-27 #BUG-7671 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Minor fixed for the pages "More shipping solutions" and "Accounting" in the Admin area. Fixed. #Core