Skip to main content - 21 July 2020

Improvements (26)

  • 2020-06-24 #BUG-8679 #BT-51749 (Nikita Erkhov)

    VAT. The parameter "Use the same tax rates for all user membership levels" is now set as a Yes/No widget (used to be a checkbox). #VAT

  • 2020-06-09 #XCN-10912 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Implemented proper conflict processing for the case when the quantity of a product or product variant is updated by more than one administrator at the same time. #Core #ProductVariants

  • 2020-06-08 #XCN-10981 (Nikita Erkhov)

    The names of the menu items in the main admin menu in the sidebar and the titles of the pages to which they provide links now follow the same style guidelines. #Core #SocialLogin #ProductReviews #NewsletterSubscriptions #ProductTags #News #Facebook Commerce #GoogleFeed #Onboarding #ShopByBrand

  • 2020-06-03 #BUG-8741 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Concierge: Disabled the tracking of "Error" events. #Concierge

  • 2020-06-02 #BUG-8744 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Removed LICENSE.txt files that are no longer needed. #LoyaltyProgram #SpecialOffersBuyXGetY #SpecialOffersSpendXGetY #VerifiedUsers

  • 2020-06-01 #BUG-8632 #BT-51699, #BT-51825 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Corrected the condition for the display on the service screen of the message "Renew your access to upgrades...". #Service

  • 2020-05-28 #BUG-8630 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The panel with the message about update availability in the Admin area now provides a link to the page where the user can select the type of update they require (minor/major). #Core

  • 2020-05-26 #XCN-10862 ()

    Redesigned the settings page for the addon Social Login. #SocialLogin

  • 2020-05-25 #XCN-10983 ()

    Added a new setting settings_page_heading to allow for changing the standard heading of an addon settings page. Set the value of this setting for Mailchimp. #Core #MailChimp

  • 2020-05-21 #XCN-10969 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Minor changes to the mechanism of banner display. #Core #Service

  • 2020-05-19 #BUG-8646 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Added the field backorderedAmount for order import/export. #Core #Orders Import

  • 2020-05-18 #BUG-8645 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Added the field stockStatus for order import/export. #Core #Orders Import

  • 2020-05-15 #BUG-8699 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Updated the U.S.P.S. API server URL. #USPS

  • 2020-05-15 #XCN-10274 #BT-49951 ()

    Enhanced the page loading speed for home/category page when loaded for the first time with a large number of categories. #Core #MultiVendor

  • 2020-05-14 #BUG-8695 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Product export parameters are now sent to Segment. #Concierge

  • 2020-05-14 #BUG-8624 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Upgrade tool. Made changes to headers responsible for caching. #Service

  • 2020-05-12 #BUG-8687 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Removed from XC Cloud the option to activate free license. #Core #Service #Cloud #Trial

  • 2020-05-11 #BUG-8622 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Code refactoring to avoid use of the upgrade tool code within the core. #Core

  • 2020-04-29 #XCN-10845 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Implemented changes to the work of the addons Wholesale, Sale and Product variants when these addons are used at the same time. #Core #Sale #Wholesale #ProductVariants

  • 2020-04-29 #XCN-10817 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Changes to email notification templates. #Core #ContactUs #Egoods #CanadaPost #ProductVariants #ProductReviews #MultiVendor #VendorMessages #TrustedVendors #BlueSnap

  • 2020-04-23 #BUG-8568 (Shevelov Alexander)

    XC Cloud now hides away the info message on the E-mail transfer settings page. #Cloud

  • 2020-04-21 #BUG-7045 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Changed the progress bar for the addon AmazonS3 on the settings page. #AmazonS3Images

  • 2020-04-14 #XCN-10780 (Damir Khamidullin)

    The addon "Amazon S3 images" can now work with Digital Open space. Changed the name of the addon, the addon icon and the addon settings page. #AmazonS3Images

  • 2020-04-14 #XCN-10651 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Added a new option - "no memberships" - to the Memberships selector of the filter/search widget on the user profiles list page. Minor adjustment of the selector layout. #Core

  • 2020-03-10 #BUG-8417 (Shevelov Alexander)

    It is no longer possible to use Clean URLs matching the paths to folders in the store installation root. #Core

  • 2019-04-24 #XCN-10826 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Implemented Digital Ocean Storage support. Changed the section heading and some text labels for the fields on the addon settings page. Added the selector "Storage" to enable the selection of storage location. #Egoods

Fixes (169)

  • 2020-07-20 #BUG-8844 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Fatal error when upgrading from 5.3.6.x to 5.4.1.x if the addons PayPal and GDPR were active. Fixed. #Paypal

  • 2020-07-17 #BUG-8833 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Non-secure execution of php code from the unserialize cookie viewedResources. Fixed. Thanks to Nick Bloor of Cognitous Cyber Security (@NickstaDB). #Core

  • 2020-07-16 #BUG-8830 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Layout issues related to the display of the addon list grid on the upgrade page. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-07-15 #BUG-8829 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Error when removing the addon GoSocial. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-07-15 #BUG-8827 (Nikita Erkhov)

    The gif image in the wait block was not centered. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2020-06-30 #BUG-8713 #BT-51791 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Custom logo was missing from the PDF file of email notification. Fixed. #SimpleCMS

  • 2020-06-29 #BUG-8790 #BT-51874 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Product image was magnified incorrectly. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2020-06-26 #BUG-8690 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Product Variants. Product stock quantity was shown incorrectly for an unavailable variant on the product page on the storefront and in the popup for selecting attributes. Fixed. #Core #ProductVariants

  • 2020-06-26 #BUG-8684 #BT-51760 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Product Vsriants. Zero product stock quantity displayed on the page of a product and in the popup for selecting product attributes if the product stock quantity was zero and the stock quantity of its variants was non zero. Fixed. #Core #ProductVariants

  • 2020-06-24 #BUG-8755 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Problem unpacking an addon packed on MacOS using bsd tar. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-06-24 #BUG-8746 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Cookies were reset when editing a user's profile. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-23 #BUG-8789 #BT-51873 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Fatal error when creating a product if there was a coupon with the setting 'Valid only for specific products' = Yes. Fixed. #Coupons

  • 2020-06-23 #BUG-8762 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The text of the message shown in the process of migrating images now depends on the setting "Save origin images on the store server" ("Images are being copied to..." vs. "Images are being moved to..."). #AmazonS3Images

  • 2020-06-23 #BUG-8712 #BT-51877 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Warnings (deprecated) on PHP 7.4. Fixed. #Core #MultiVendor

  • 2020-06-22 #BUG-8780 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Order generation was not working. Fixed. #Core #LoyaltyProgram

  • 2020-06-22 #BUG-8769 #BT-51858 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Fatal error when creating a product tab with long brief_info. #CustomProductTabs

  • 2020-06-22 #BUG-8693 #BT-51772 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Canada Post. Incorrect state in the shipping address when creating a shipment if the address country was listed in autocomplete_states_for_countries. Fixed. #CanadaPost

  • 2020-06-19 #BUG-8757 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Layout issues related to page elements with text-transform: capitalize in the Admin area. Fixed. #Core #Onboarding

  • 2020-06-16 #BUG-8766 #BT-51852 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Fatal error when creating a product if there was a Sale with the setting 'Valid only for specific products' = Yes. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-06-11 #BUG-8715 #BT-51803 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Incorrect processing of the refund IPN from PayPal. Fixed. #Paypal #MultiVendor

  • 2020-06-09 #BUG-8677 #BT-51757 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Could not access service.php from the Admin area if http_host and https_host specified in the config were not the same. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-06-09 #BUG-8673 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Onboarding wizard. The "Upload a new logo" feature was working incorrectly. Fixed. #Onboarding

  • 2020-06-08 #BUG-8748 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Changes made to notification messages were missing if using queues. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-08 #BUG-8666 #BT-51734 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Empty space appearing in the sidebar when trying to expand an item in the sidebar menu in the Admin area under certain conditions. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-08 #BUG-8665 #BT-51735 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Addons that are already active are no longer shown in the 'Recommended addons' section. #Service

  • 2020-06-05 #BUG-8671 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Onboarding wizard. In the step of adding a product, data entered was getting lost after following a link and going back again. Fixed. #Onboarding

  • 2020-06-04 #BUG-8751 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The getLocalPathFromURL method was working incorrectly during import. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-04 #BUG-8682 #BT-51753 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Incorrect processing of tax_classes when importing products. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-04 #BUG-8499 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Implemented the correct canCompress for ExecTar and ArchiveTar in the In-app Marketplace. #Service

  • 2020-06-03 #BUG-8721 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Error when sending notifications with queues. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-03 #BUG-8669 #BT-51738 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Fixed the incorrect text in the help tip on the Email notifications > Order message page. #VendorMessages

  • 2020-06-02 #BUG-8663 (Shevelov Alexander)

    The number of lines was calculated incorrectly during the import of Product attribute values. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-06-02 #BUG-8661 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Layout issues related to displaying information messages on the service screen. #Service

  • 2020-06-01 #BUG-8599 #BT-51670 (Shevelov Alexander)

    With Multivendor enabled, Product attributes values and Revews import/export files now contain the field vendor. #Core #MultiVendor #MigrationWizard

  • 2020-05-29 #BUG-8668 #BT-51732 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Icons were displayed incorrectly in the header and product rating in the Customer area. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-29 #BUG-8647 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Backordered item vs refund: After issuing a refund, a backordered item was returning to stock even though the stock quantity had not in fact been decreased when that item was ordered. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-28 #BUG-8728 #BT-51662 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Product feeds vs Product Variants. The links to variants of the same product in Google Shopping feed were not unique. Fixed. #ProductFeeds

  • 2020-05-28 #BUG-8719 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Stripe vs PHP 7.4 Return error. The order was not getting created. Fixed. #Stripe

  • 2020-05-28 #BUG-8660 #BT-51733 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Order returns. Minor html-code refactoring. #Returns

  • 2020-05-27 #BUG-8724 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Incorrect error processing if attempting to run System settings -> Cache management -> Re-deploy the store at the same time. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-05-27 #BUG-8658 #BT-51730 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    PayPal. Anonymous order could not be placed if the address structure contained a custom required field. Fixed. #Paypal

  • 2020-05-27 #BUG-8638 #BT-51697 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Sales tax was calculated incorrectly at checkout. Fixed. #SalesTax

  • 2020-05-27 #BUG-8589 #BT-51666 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Added an identifier of the payment transaction from X-Cart to Refund and Capture requests to facilitate finding the respective transaction in Authorize.Net. #AuthorizenetAcceptjs

  • 2020-05-27 #BUG-8562 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Layout issues related to the service tool login page. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-05-26 #BUG-8727 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    In the service tool, restored the switch and icons in the addon popup available via the link "The module is required by...". #Service

  • 2020-05-26 #BUG-8725 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Error related to auto generation of a clean URL for a category if the category name was the same as the name of a folder on the server. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-26 #BUG-8659 #BT-51731 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Vendor Partner. Fatal error when trying to access in the store Admin area a user profile that does not exist. Fixed. #VendorPartners

  • 2020-05-26 #BUG-8629 #BT-51691 (Nikita Erkhov)

    SKU and option names were not displayed on order return forms in the Admin and Customer areas. Fixed. #Returns

  • 2020-05-26 #BUG-8519 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Error in the service tool related to the management of availability of the status switch for addons that depend on other addons. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-05-25 #BUG-8722 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    On a category page, the message about the URL already existing was displayed at all times. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-22 #BUG-8718 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Fatal error when searching for orders by Commission type = Manual. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-05-22 #BUG-8615 #BT-51679 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    MV. A vendor could not add an attribute for a class that they themselves had created. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-05-21 #BUG-8653 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    No redirect from checkoutSuccess onto the home page for a non-existing order was happening, if clean urls were enabled. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-21 #BUG-8648 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The text label "Vendor" on the Volume discounts page in the Admin area was wrapped onto the second line. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-05-21 #BUG-8628 #BT-51704 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Only integer values could be saved in the "Order DST based commission rate" and "Order shipping cost based commission rate" settings. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-20 #BUG-8643 #BT-51724 (Nikita Erkhov)

    With a large number of attributes and limited admin permissions, the product options popup could not be opened in AOM. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-20 #BUG-8641 #BT-51722 (Nikita Erkhov)

    No more than 10 status values were visible in the selector of the Fulfillment statuses filter on an order list in the Admin area. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-20 #BUG-8640 #BT-51718 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Attribute names were missing from the Packing slip in AOM. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-15 #BUG-8592 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Removed the advertising banner from the Onboarding Wizard page. #Onboarding

  • 2020-05-13 #BUG-8620 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    The resized image for an image uploaded via URL and not saved on the sever was generated incorrectly. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-12 #BUG-8618 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    For clean URLs it was still possible to set a URL the same as a folder on the server. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-12 #BUG-8609 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Notice in logs on PHP 7.4. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-12 #BUG-8652 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Layout issues on the target=promotions page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-11 #BUG-8685 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    "0" (zero) rate could not be set for VAT and SalesTax. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-11 #BUG-8614 #BT-51681 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    After a customer changed their email address, sessions were not reset. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-11 #BUG-8608 #BT-51676 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Incorrect state code in the help text on the target=notification_common page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-11 #BUG-8605 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Key registration form is not supposed to allow submit of a blank form with an empty key. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-11 #BUG-8600 #BT-51672 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    The category widget was not getting updated on the vendor page on the storefront. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-05-08 #BUG-8598 #BT-51669 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Removed the word "Status" that appeared on the button for the activation/deactivation of countries. #Core

  • 2020-05-08 #BUG-8591 #BT-51667 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    On the popup creation page, fixed the problem of setting the date. #PopupAnywhere

  • 2020-05-07 #BUG-8634 #BT-50939 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Backup Master. Excluded the folder var/packs from backup. #Backup

  • 2020-05-07 #BUG-8590 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Trusted/Non-trusted vendors. In the settings of email notifications, removed the tab "Vendor" as this setting pertains only to vendor notifications. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-05-07 #BUG-8582 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Operator::flush(LC_EOL . $e->getMessage()) in src/Includes/Utils/Database.php was not working. Fixed. #Core #Service

  • 2020-05-07 #BUG-8580 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Some widgets on the home page looked different after deactivating ThemeTweaker. Fixed. #ProductAdvisor #Sale

  • 2020-05-06 #BUG-8654 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Access denied if attempting to create a volume discount from a vendor account. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-05-06 #BUG-8579 #BT-51659 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Social login. Changed the wording and the type of the message (from error to warning) for the message shown when a customer is attempting to log in using the same email but a different method (Facebook instead of Google). #Core #Paypal #SocialLogin #AmazonPay

  • 2020-05-05 #BUG-8670 #BT-51741 (Shevelov Alexander)

    When the number of coupons per user was supposed to be limited, a coupon could still be sent to an anonymous customer after it had already been sent to a registered customer with the same email address. Fixed. #AbandonedCartReminder

  • 2020-05-05 #BUG-8577 #BT-51655 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Verified Users. Fatal error when going to checkout as an anonymous customer (guest). Fixed. #VerifiedUsers

  • 2020-05-05 #BUG-8573 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    AmazonS3. After migrating images to Amazon, error notifications in the case of public access to bucket being closed were not displayed. Fixed. #AmazonS3Images

  • 2020-05-05 #BUG-8508 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    An incorrect banner was displayed on the page admin.php?target=payment_settings after changing the country from US to GB. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-29 #BUG-8635 (Nikita Erkhov)

    There was no logging of errors of writing to data files. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-04-28 #BUG-8616 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    With developer_mode set to Off, custom changes were not visible on the pages Template editor and Dynamic message editor. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-28 #BUG-8575 (Damir Khamidullin)

    E-goods. It was not possible to attach more than one AmazonS3-file to a product. Fixed. #Egoods #FileAttachments

  • 2020-04-27 #BUG-8583 (Nikita Erkhov)

    On the page of product attributes in the Admin area, the drop-down block for the selection of attribute display mode was pushing away the contents of the page. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-27 #BUG-8566 (Shevelov Alexander)

    On mobile devices, after clicking on the "learn more" link, the respective tab was not opened. Fixed. #Core #CrispWhiteSkin #CustomProductTabs

  • 2020-04-24 #BUG-8569 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Amazon S3. Links to images were missing from the export CSV files. Fixed. #AmazonS3Images

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8565 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Layout issues on product page on iPhone. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8554 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Cloud zoom mode = inside was magnifying the size of the image container. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8552 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Layout issues related to displaying the bestsellers table on the dashboard. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8550 (Nikita Erkhov)

    In AOM, corrected the text of the label "Tracking numbers are not added yet". #Core

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8549 (Nikita Erkhov)

    In AOM, the placeholder was missing from the tracking number field; layout issues related to field alignment. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8547 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The button to skip a step in the Onboarding wizard was working incorrectly. Fixed #Onboarding

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8541 (Nikita Erkhov)

    MV. When no vendors had available shipping methods, the message "You can remove their products from cart to purchase the other products." was shown. Fixed. #FastLaneCheckout #MultiVendor

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8505 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Shipping markups can now be set with weight accuracy up to 4 digits after the decimal point. #Core

  • 2020-04-22 #BUG-8501 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Changed the name of a setting from "Ask anonymous users to create an account or sign in before checkout" to "Ask anonymous users to sign in before checkout". #Core

  • 2020-04-21 #BUG-8567 #BT-51638 #BT-51706 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    On iPhone, the user icon in the side menu was getting displayed with a considerable delay. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2020-04-21 #BUG-8522 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Layout issues related to displaying the pagination widget in the Admin area. #Core

  • 2020-04-20 #BUG-8604 (Damir Khamidullin)

    On the AmazonS3 settings page, implemented validation for the field "Digital Ocean Endpoint". #AmazonS3Images

  • 2020-04-20 #BUG-8563 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Error in logs when activating the addon Shopgate. Fixed. #ShopGate

  • 2020-04-20 #BUG-8561 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Membership selector in the search/filter widget on the list of user profiles did not have vertical scrolling when the number of elements was large. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-20 #BUG-8560 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Layout issues related to displaying the checkbox in the memberships selector in the search/filter widget if the membership name was long. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-20 #BUG-8558 #BT-51651 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Changed the wording of the error message that can be shown in connection with the recalculation of quick data in a store without data. #Core

  • 2020-04-20 #BUG-8548 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Fixed the way the link "All orders" in the filter on the order list page is displayed (The link now changes its color to black after being clicked upon, like in the other filters). #Core

  • 2020-04-17 #BUG-8597 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    In vendor notifications, admin headers were used instead of vendor headers. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-04-17 #BUG-8553 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Adjusted the rounding radius for popups in the Admin area according to the style guide. #Core

  • 2020-04-17 #BUG-8551 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Corrected the spelling of the shipping method "USPS". #USPS

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8596 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Added headers x-content-type-options, x-frame-options, x-robots-tag and x-xss-protection for service.php. #Service

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8595 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    In vendor notifications, admin signature was used instead of vendor signature. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8543 #BT-51634 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Implemented three street address fields for the billing and shipping addresses in Global Payments requests according to the provider requirements. #RealexHostedPayment

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8539 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Returns were shown incorrectly on the admin.php?target=order_returns page. Fixed. #Returns

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8534 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Export from the page Admin area -> Marketing -> Newsletters was freezing. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8533 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    In the add/edit review popup, the autocomplete feature in the field Profile was working incorrectly. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-16 #BUG-8520 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Incorrect page selection in the pagination widget in My addons after a page refresh. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-04-15 #BUG-8537 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The permissions "manage sale discounts" and "manage coupons" gave the user the ability to assign discounts to products. Fixed. #Coupons #Sale

  • 2020-04-15 #BUG-8531 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    The "On moderation" and "Edit" links on product reviews on the storefront were positioned incorrectly. Fixed. #ProductReviews

  • 2020-04-15 #BUG-8529 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Export of reviews from a product page exported the reviews of all products. Fixed. #ProductReviews

  • 2020-04-15 #BUG-8523 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    No error message after uploading a wrong file for app-icon in Layout Editor. Fixed. #ThemeTweaker

  • 2020-04-14 #BUG-8557 (Damir Khamidullin)

    VAT was recalculated incorrectly in AOM. Fixed. #VAT

  • 2020-04-14 #BUG-8525 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Incorrect alignment of the open menu icon on an image widget. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-14 #BUG-8518 (Shevelov Alexander)

    When changing the store skin, the message "If anything crops up.." was positioned incorrectly. Fixed. #Core #Service

  • 2020-04-14 #BUG-8504 #BT-51626 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    With CSS aggregation enabled, images in custom styles were not shown if the image file names contained spaces. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-14 #BUG-8452 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The amount of bonuses (Loyalty bonuses addon) was not updated when changing the shipping method. Fixed. #LoyaltyProgram

  • 2020-04-13 #BUG-8494 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Layout issues related to displaying the advertisement block and the block of notifications on the Admin area pages. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-04-08 #BUG-8555 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Fixed some file headers. #Core #LoyaltyProgram

  • 2020-04-07 #BUG-8507 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Layout issues related to the Order returns addon. Fixed. #Returns

  • 2020-04-06 #BUG-8510 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Favicon upload error. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8488 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    MV. Warehouse. Shipping cost amount was incorrectly included into vendor order statistics. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8487 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Incorrect location of PIN code on the order invoice in an email notification. Fixed. #PINCodes

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8485 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    MV. Layout issues related to displaying the list of product attributes in the vendor area of the store back end. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8482 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Notice in logs after removing export csv files. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8481 #BT-51571 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    VAT. After changing some settings on the product page on the storefront, the label "Including VAT" disappeared. Fixed. #VAT

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8480 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    MV. Incorrect management of the "Request payout" button availability. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8478 #BT-51607 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Warning in logs when updating Customer note in AOM. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8477 #BT-51606 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    CSS and HTML validation errors. Fixed. #Core #SimpleCMS

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8473 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Layout issues in AOM related to the popup for editing product options. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8469 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Variants. When editing product attributes in AOM, the sale of the variant or the main product was not taken into account when calculating the new price. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-03-31 #BUG-8465 #BT-51601 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    An addon was not getting updated via UploadAddon with the same version. Fixed. #Service

  • 2020-03-27 #BUG-8205 #BT-51360 (Nikita Erkhov)

    The root category id was considered "0" at all times, which was incorrect. Fixed. #ProductAdvisor

  • 2020-03-26 #BUG-8450 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Layout issues related to product attributes and their values in an order in AOM. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-03-24 #BUG-8463 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Incorrect product link in the low stock email notification. Fixed. #Core #ProductVariants

  • 2020-03-24 #BUG-8462 #BT-51589 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Corrected the text of the message about a failed currency rate request and the necessity to check the API key. #MultiCurrency

  • 2020-03-24 #BUG-8461 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    Removed the incorrect message about a zero-sized discount on the product page on the storefront which could be displayed as a result of certain VAT settings. #Sale

  • 2020-03-24 #BUG-8456 #BT-51583 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Company name was displayed incorrectly in a vendor invoice. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-24 #BUG-8448 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    VAT. In AOM, the price and VAT were calculated incorrectly if editing attributes with modifiers and the setting 'Display prices in catalog including VAT / GST' was set to Off. Fixed. #VAT

  • 2020-03-24 #BUG-8000 #BT-51082 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    In AOM, the state of the button "Save changes" was not saved after viewing a product and going back again. Fixed. #Core #Returns

  • 2020-03-23 #BUG-8454 #BT-51588 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Layout issue related to displaying the pagination widget on mobile with over 6 pages. Fixed. #Core #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2020-03-20 #BUG-8446 (Maxim Kuznetsov)

    An incorrect price was shown in AOM in the "Current price for the selected configuration and quantity" help tip on the icon for restoring the price. Fixed. #Core

  • 2020-03-20 #BUG-8445 (Damir Khamidullin)

    MV. OPC. The link "remove their products from cart" did not remove from the shopping cart the products of the store administrator if the administrator did not have any available shipping methods. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-18 #BUG-8443 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Zero commission was displayed as '' instead of '0.00'. Fixed. #MultiVendor

  • 2020-03-18 #BUG-8441 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Infinite scroll. Removed the duplicated "You are in page..." button in the "Recently viewed" block. #Core #ProductAdvisor #Sale #InfiniteScroll

  • 2020-03-02 #BUG-8322 (Kirill Stadler)

    The text in a help tip for Reviews was using a wrong color. Fixed. #ProductReviews

  • 2020-02-27 #BUG-8338 #BT-51474 (Nikita Erkhov)

    When using the Back browser button to get from a product page on the storefront back to the search results page with a link to the product on view, the return was made always to the first page of search results instead of that page, which was incorrect. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-04-24 #BUG-8619 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Layout issues on mobile related to displaying the [v] icon for a product added to cart. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2019-04-23 #BUG-8559 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Layout issues on mobile related to displaying stickers (like "New!" and "15% off") on category pages. Fixed. #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2019-04-23 #BUG-8538 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    After disabling on the page target=theme_tweaker_template of the modified notification template in Dynamic message editor it remained custom. Fixed. #ThemeTweaker

  • 2019-04-10 #BUG-8517 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Notice on the home page in Standard skin. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-04-10 #BUG-8385 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    The isNew status is now separate for the administrator and vendor. #MultiVendor

  • 2019-04-10 #BUG-8255 #BT-51407 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Global attributes sorting was working incorrectly in the Admin area and on the storefront. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8546 #BT-51642 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Orders import. When importing an existing order, shipping cost was doubled. Fixed. #Orders Import

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8515 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Layout issues related to displaying the overlay during an OPC checkout. Fixed. #Core #CrispWhiteSkin

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8514 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    Layout issues related to displaying the incorrect file format icon for the case when a file of a wrong type is uploaded as a category image. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8512 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Removed the message "If anythings crops up..." which appeared during a cache rebuild process in the Admin area. #Service

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8509 (Shevelov Alexander)

    A customer that was missing from profiles but had orders could not be imported. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8490 (Nikita Erkhov)

    Changed text color for Coupon discount and Volune discount on the checkout page. #Coupons #FastLaneCheckout

  • 2019-04-09 #BUG-8249 (Damir Khamidullin)

    Discount amount was calculated incorrectly if a volume discount and a coupon were applied at the same time. Fixed. #VolumeDiscounts

  • 2019-04-01 #BUG-8500 #BT-51623 (Shevelov Alexander)

    Error in logs when importing categories. Fixed. #Core

  • 2019-04-01 #BUG-8574 (Pavel Veselovsky)

    On the updates page, changed the color of border for addons on sale. #Service

  • 2019-04-01 #BUG-8588 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Layout issues related to displaying help tips in the Admin area on navigation elements, menu items, etc. #Core

  • 2019-04-01 #BUG-8825 (Fedya Lavrentyev)

    Fatal error after adding to the payment methods list a payment method that did not yet exist in the current version of the addon. Fixed. #Core