This article is about creating sections in Model editing form.
The form must contain at least one section and there is always pre-defined section with name default
. This article will explain how to create additional sections and what settings they have.
During this article, we will be referring to XCExample\ModelEditingAdvanced module as an example.
This module creates a page admin.php?target=example_product_edit_advanced
, where you can test model editing form.
Section definition
Sections are defined in \XLite\View\FormModel\AFormModel::defineSections()
method. It must return key > value pairs with key as section name and value as array of section options.
Here is an example of how sections defined in \XLite\Module\XCExample\ModelEditingAdvanced\View\FormModel\ProductEdit
protected function defineSections()
$list = parent::defineSections();
$list['price'] = [
'label' => static::t('Price'),
'help' => static::t('In this section you can define product price.'),
'description' => static::t('Sections for price.'),
'collapse' => true,
'expanded' => false,
'position' => 100,
return $list;
Such implementation means that we will have two sections on the page: 'default' and 'price'.
Section options
- label - section label;
- help - section help text (showed as tooltip under question sign after section label);
- description - description, showed as small text under section label;
- collapse - flag whether section can be collapsed (default: false)
- expanded - flag whether section is expanded by default (only works when collapse is true, default: true);
- position - position of the section among others.