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page last edited on 3 January 2015

Image widget: uploading and storage

Version: 5.4 and early


This article explains how to use image selection widget in X-Cart. And also, how to attach images to an entity.

For the sake of example, we will create a mod that adds 'Secondary images' field to a product. Merchant will be able to assign any number of secondary images to a product and these images will be shown on product details page in customer area.


Creating an empty module

First of all, we create an empty module with developer ID XCExample and module ID ImageWidgetDemo.

Decorating Product class

Inside this module, we decorate the \XLite\Model\Product class as we want to add a new property secondaryImages to it: 

// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:

namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model;

abstract class Product extends \XLite\Model\Product implements \XLite\Base\IDecorator
* @OneToMany (targetEntity="XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product\SecondaryImage", mappedBy="product", cascade={"all"})
* @OrderBy ({"orderby" = "ASC"})
protected $secondaryImages;

public function __construct(array $data = array())

$this->secondaryImages = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();

public function getSecondaryImages()
return $this->secondaryImages;

public function addSecondaryImages($image)
$this->secondaryImages[] = $image;
return $this;

Let us have a closer look at this implementation.

  1. We add a new property to a product object

    * @OneToMany (targetEntity="XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product\SecondaryImage", mappedBy="product", cascade={"all"})
    * @OrderBy ({"orderby" = "ASC"})
    protected $secondaryImages;

    We define it as OneToMany, which means that one product can have many secondary images, while a secondary image always belongs to a single product.


    The secondary image object is defined by the \XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product\SecondaryImage class:


    This class does not exist yet, so we will have to create it as a next step. Then, we specify that each record about SecondaryImage object must contain a reference to its product object: 


    Learn more about mappedBy in Doctrine documentation. Also, using mappedBy directive in Product class means that we will have to use inversedBy directive in SecondaryImage class in order to create bidirectional relation. This way we will be able to access SecondaryImage object from Product object $product->getSecondaryImages() as well as access Product object from SecondaryImage object $secondaryImage->getProduct()

    This cascade directive defines that SecondaryImage objects are associated with its Product object and if we remove or clone Product entity, the same will happen to SecondaryImage objects linked to it. Learn more about cascade in Doctrine documentation. 


    The @OrderBy directive means that SecondaryImage objects will be ordered by SecondaryImage's orderby field.

    @OrderBy   ({"orderby" = "ASC"})
  2. We also change constructor method a bit: 

    public function __construct(array $data = array())

    $this->secondaryImages = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();

    and tell Product class that secondaryImages property is an array.

  3. Finally, we add getter/setter methods:

    public function getSecondaryImages()
    return $this->secondaryImages;

    public function addSecondaryImages($image)
    $this->secondaryImages[] = $image;
    return $this;

Creating SecondaryImage class

We create the classes/XLite/Module/XCExample/ImageWidgetDemo/Model/Image/Product/SecondaryImage.php file with the following content: 

// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:

namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product;

* @Entity
* @Table (name="product_secondary_images")
class SecondaryImage extends \XLite\Model\Base\Image
* @Column (type="integer")
protected $orderby = 0;

* @ManyToOne (targetEntity="\XLite\Model\Product", inversedBy="secondary_images")
* @JoinColumn (name="product_id", referencedColumnName="product_id")
protected $product;

* @Column (type="string", length=255)
protected $alt = '';

Let us have a look at each important moment of this SecondaryImage class:

  1. The directive: 


    means that this class defines a new entity.

  2. We define the name of the table where info about these objects will be stored: 

    @Table  (name="product_secondary_images")

    In our case, this table will be 'xc_product_secondary_images', assuming you have not changed table prefix in config.

  3. We create our SecondaryImage class based on standard \XLite\Model\Base\Image image class: 

    class SecondaryImage extends \XLite\Model\Base\Image
  4. Our image class will have three additional properties: $orderby field for sorting, $product property as a link to parent product's object and $alt field that will define a text for HTML's 'alt' property.

  5. Implementation of $orderby and $alt properties is quite straight-forwart, while $product is more complex: 

    * @ManyToOne (targetEntity="\XLite\Model\Product", inversedBy="secondaryImages")
    * @JoinColumn (name="product_id", referencedColumnName="product_id")

    We create a backward relation to \XLite\Model\Product class similar to $secondaryImages property in \XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Product class.

  6. We define $product property as @ManyToOne, because one secondary image can be assigned to one and only one product, while a product can have multiple secondary images assigned. Then we link $product property to $secondaryImages property of the \XLite\Model\Product class:

    @ManyToOne  (targetEntity="\XLite\Model\Product", inversedBy="secondaryImages")

     We also specify that MySQL table, where secondary images are stored must contain the product_id column with value of parent image's ID in order to create this relation: 

    @JoinColumn (name="product_id", referencedColumnName="product_id")
  7. Now it is time to create the repository class that will handled requests to database about SecondaryImage objects. We create the classes/XLite/Module/XCExample/ImageWidgetDemo/Model/Repo/Image/Product/SecondaryImage.php file with the following content: 

    // vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:

    namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Repo\Image\Product;

    class SecondaryImage extends \XLite\Model\Repo\Base\Image
    * Returns the name of the directory within '<X-Cart>/images' where images are stored
    public function getStorageName()
    return 'product_secondary';

    We extend the standard \XLite\Model\Repo\Base\Image repository class and use it as a template: 

    class SecondaryImage extends \XLite\Model\Repo\Base\Image

    We also define that secondary image files will be stored in <X-Cart>/images/product_secondary/ directory:

    public function getStorageName()
    return 'product_secondary';

    We are done with creating SecondaryImage entity.

Tweaking design of admin and customer interfaces

First, we need to allow merchant to upload secondary images for a product on product details page in admin area. There is a guide explaining how to add new property to product.

Basic plan to this task is:

  1. change DTO class \XLite\Model\DTO\Product\Info;
  2. change \XLite\View\FormModel\Product\Info class that renders product details form.

We decorate \XLite\Model\DTO\Product\Info class, so we create the classes/XLite/Module/XCExample/ImageWidgetDemo/Model/DTO/Product/Info.php file with the following content: 

// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:

namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\DTO\Product;

* Abstract widget
abstract class Info extends \XLite\Model\DTO\Product\Info implements \XLite\Base\IDecorator
protected function init($object)

$secondaryImages = $object->getSecondaryImages();

$dtoImages = [
0 => [
'delete' => false,
'position' => '',
'alt' => '',
'temp_id' => '',

foreach ($secondaryImages as $image) {
$dtoImages[$image->getId()] = [
'delete' => false,
'position' => '',
'alt' => '',
'temp_id' => '',

$this->default->secondary_images = $dtoImages;

public function populateTo($object, $rawData = null)
parent::populateTo($object, $rawData);

$object->processFiles('secondaryImages', $this->default->secondary_images);

We implement two methods in this class:

  • init() is used to populate data-transfer object (DTO) with secondary images' data;
  • populateTo() is used to apply changes to product object based on submitted data. In this case, all needed routines for handling images are defined in processFiles() method, so we just call it with first parameter as name of our product's property (secondaryImages) and with second parameter as data submitted in the form ($this->default->secondary_images).

Now we should apply changes to our product details' form. We decorate \XLite\View\FormModel\Product\Info class and create the classes/XLite/Module/XCExample/ImageWidgetDemo/View/FormModel/Product/Info.php file with the following content:

// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et:

namespace XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\View\FormModel\Product;

* Product form model
abstract class Info extends \XLite\View\FormModel\Product\Info implements \XLite\Base\IDecorator
protected function defineFields()
$schema = parent::defineFields();

$product = \XLite\Core\Database::getRepo('XLite\Model\Product')->find($this->getDataObject()->default->identity);

$secondaryImages = [];

if ($product) {
$secondaryImages = $product->getSecondaryImages();

$schema[self::SECTION_DEFAULT]['secondary_images'] = [
'label' => static::t('Secondary Images'),
'type' => 'XLite\View\FormModel\Type\UploaderType',
'imageClass' => 'XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product\SecondaryImage',
'files' => $secondaryImages,
'multiple' => true,
'position' => 350,

return $schema;

Essentially, we only have one defineFields() method here and inside it we define our 'secondary_images' field as follows:

$schema[self::SECTION_DEFAULT]['secondary_images'] = [
'label' => static::t('Secondary Images'),
'type' => 'XLite\View\FormModel\Type\UploaderType',
'imageClass' => 'XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product\SecondaryImage',
'files' => $secondaryImages,
'multiple' => true,
'position' => 350,
  • label of this field is 'Secondary Images';
  • widget used for rendering this field is \XLite\View\FormModel\Type\UploaderType;
  • this widget will work with images of \XLite\Module\XCExample\ImageWidgetDemo\Model\Image\Product\SecondaryImage class;
  • existing secondary images are passed into 'files' parameter;
  • this widget allows to specify multiple images for a product, not a single one ('multiple' => true).

Besides that, we need to display secondary images in store-front. For that we create a template that will be shown on product details page. We create skins/customer/modules/XCExample/ImageWidgetsDemo/product/details/secondary-images.twig template with the following content: 

# @ListChild (list="", weight="80")

<h2>Secondary images</h2>
{% for image in this.getProduct().getSecondaryImages() %}
{{ widget('\\XLite\\View\\Image', image=image, maxWidth=200, maxHeight=200) }}
{% endfor %}

In this template, we go through each secondary image object and then call {{ widget('\\XLite\\View\\Image', image=image }} operator in order to build proper HTML code for displaying this image. This widget also performs on-fly resizing of an image, if needed.

Checking the results

Now we can check the results of our module's work. First we go to a product details page in admin area and try to add secondary images:


After we save the changes, go to this product details page in customer zone and you should see the following result:


Module pack

You can download the pack of this module from here: XCExample-ImageWidgetDemo-v5_3_0.tar